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# peek-luadecls-1.txt # This is part of peek.lua, that is part of the DaVinci project. # See: <http://angg.twu.net/davinci.html> # <http://angg.twu.net/peek.html> # Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> # Version: 2007aug05 # This is the output of # (find-lua51sh "cd src/; gcc -E -x c lstate.h") # (find-lua51sh "cd src/; gcc -E -x c lstate.h | grep -v '^#'") # after some minimal hand-tuning - empty lines and declarations of # functions were removed. # (find-lua51file "src/") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.h") # (find-lua51file "src/llimits.h") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h") # (find-lua51file "src/ltm.h") # (find-lua51file "src/lzio.h") # (find-lua51file "src/lstate.h") # (find-lua51sh "cd src/; ls *.h") typedef int ptrdiff_t; typedef unsigned int size_t; typedef int wchar_t; union luai_Cast { double l_d; long l_l; }; typedef struct lua_State lua_State; typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L); typedef const char * (*lua_Reader) (lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *sz); typedef int (*lua_Writer) (lua_State *L, const void* p, size_t sz, void* ud); typedef void * (*lua_Alloc) (void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize); typedef double lua_Number; typedef ptrdiff_t lua_Integer; typedef struct lua_Debug lua_Debug; typedef void (*lua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); struct lua_Debug { int event; const char *name; const char *namewhat; const char *what; const char *source; int currentline; int nups; int linedefined; int lastlinedefined; char short_src[60]; int i_ci; }; typedef unsigned int lu_int32; typedef size_t lu_mem; typedef ptrdiff_t l_mem; typedef unsigned char lu_byte; typedef union { double u; void *s; long l; } L_Umaxalign; typedef double l_uacNumber; typedef lu_int32 Instruction; typedef union GCObject GCObject; typedef struct GCheader { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; } GCheader; typedef union { GCObject *gc; void *p; lua_Number n; int b; } Value; typedef struct lua_TValue { Value value; int tt; } TValue; typedef TValue *StkId; typedef union TString { L_Umaxalign dummy; struct { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; lu_byte reserved; unsigned int hash; size_t len; } tsv; } TString; typedef union Udata { L_Umaxalign dummy; struct { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; struct Table *metatable; struct Table *env; size_t len; } uv; } Udata; typedef struct Proto { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; TValue *k; Instruction *code; struct Proto **p; int *lineinfo; struct LocVar *locvars; TString **upvalues; TString *source; int sizeupvalues; int sizek; int sizecode; int sizelineinfo; int sizep; int sizelocvars; int linedefined; int lastlinedefined; GCObject *gclist; lu_byte nups; lu_byte numparams; lu_byte is_vararg; lu_byte maxstacksize; } Proto; typedef struct LocVar { TString *varname; int startpc; int endpc; } LocVar; typedef struct UpVal { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; TValue *v; union { TValue value; struct { struct UpVal *prev; struct UpVal *next; } l; } u; } UpVal; typedef struct CClosure { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; lu_byte isC; lu_byte nupvalues; GCObject *gclist; struct Table *env; lua_CFunction f; TValue upvalue[1]; } CClosure; typedef struct LClosure { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; lu_byte isC; lu_byte nupvalues; GCObject *gclist; struct Table *env; struct Proto *p; UpVal *upvals[1]; } LClosure; typedef union Closure { CClosure c; LClosure l; } Closure; typedef union TKey { struct { Value value; int tt; struct Node *next; } nk; TValue tvk; } TKey; typedef struct Node { TValue i_val; TKey i_key; } Node; typedef struct Table { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; lu_byte flags; lu_byte lsizenode; struct Table *metatable; TValue *array; Node *node; Node *lastfree; GCObject *gclist; int sizearray; } Table; typedef enum { TM_INDEX, TM_NEWINDEX, TM_GC, TM_MODE, TM_EQ, TM_ADD, TM_SUB, TM_MUL, TM_DIV, TM_MOD, TM_POW, TM_UNM, TM_LEN, TM_LT, TM_LE, TM_CONCAT, TM_CALL, TM_N } TMS; typedef struct Zio ZIO; typedef struct Mbuffer { char *buffer; size_t n; size_t buffsize; } Mbuffer; struct Zio { size_t n; const char *p; lua_Reader reader; void* data; lua_State *L; }; struct lua_longjmp; typedef struct stringtable { GCObject **hash; lu_int32 nuse; int size; } stringtable; typedef struct CallInfo { StkId base; StkId func; StkId top; const Instruction *savedpc; int nresults; int tailcalls; } CallInfo; typedef struct global_State { stringtable strt; lua_Alloc frealloc; void *ud; lu_byte currentwhite; lu_byte gcstate; int sweepstrgc; GCObject *rootgc; GCObject **sweepgc; GCObject *gray; GCObject *grayagain; GCObject *weak; GCObject *tmudata; Mbuffer buff; lu_mem GCthreshold; lu_mem totalbytes; lu_mem estimate; lu_mem gcdept; int gcpause; int gcstepmul; lua_CFunction panic; TValue l_registry; struct lua_State *mainthread; UpVal uvhead; struct Table *mt[(8 +1)]; TString *tmname[TM_N]; } global_State; struct lua_State { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked; lu_byte status; StkId top; StkId base; global_State *l_G; CallInfo *ci; const Instruction *savedpc; StkId stack_last; StkId stack; CallInfo *end_ci; CallInfo *base_ci; int stacksize; int size_ci; unsigned short nCcalls; lu_byte hookmask; lu_byte allowhook; int basehookcount; int hookcount; lua_Hook hook; TValue l_gt; TValue env; GCObject *openupval; GCObject *gclist; struct lua_longjmp *errorJmp; ptrdiff_t errfunc; }; union GCObject { GCheader gch; union TString ts; union Udata u; union Closure cl; struct Table h; struct Proto p; struct UpVal uv; struct lua_State th; };