Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
#!/usr/bin/env lua50 -- -*- coding: raw-text-unix -*- -- This is the `blogme2-outer.lua' file of blogme2. -- It contains the "outer layer" of the kernel of blogme2 - the -- standard words (and what else?) -- Author and version: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>, 2006sep09 -- License: GPL. -- (find-fline "INTERNALS") -- (find-fline "blogme2-inner.lua") -- (find-fline "blogme2-middle.lua") -- (find-fline "blogme2-outer.lua") -- (find-blogmefile "blogme.lua" "_G[\"lua:\"]") checkbrackets = function () local opens, neopens, necloses = {}, 0, 0 for i=0,strlen(subj)-1 do local c = substring(i, i+1) if c == "[" then tinsert(opens, i) elseif c == "]" then if getn(opens)>0 then tremove(opens) else necloses = necloses + 1 printpos("Extra close:", i+1) end end end for i=1,getn(opens) do neopens = neopens + 1 printpos("Extra open:", opens[i]+1) end return neopens+necloses end --;; --;; setgetargs, setstubs - simple tools for defining heads --;; setgetargs = function (argf, headnames) headnames = split(headnames) for i=1,getn(headnames) do _A[headnames[i]] = argf end end setstubs = function (headnames) headnames = split(headnames) for i=1,getn(headnames) do local name = headnames[i] _G[name] = function (str) return "("..name.." "..str..")" end _A[name] = vargs1 end end -------------------- map = function (f, arr) local brr = {} for i=1,getn(arr) do tinsert(brr, f(arr[i])) end return brr end -- join = function (arr, sep) -- local str, n = {}, getn(arr) -- if n==0 then return "" end -- str = arr[1] -- for i=2,n do str = str .. sep .. arr[i] end -- return str -- end join = table.concat smash = function (obj) if obj=="" then return nil else return obj end end nonvoids = function (arr) local brr = {} for i=1,getn(arr) do if not(smash(obj)) then tinsert(brr, arr[i]) end end return brr end -------------------- _G["set"] = function (varname, text) _G[varname] = text end _A["set"] = vargs2 --;; --;; Html functions --;; P0 = P -- backup P (the debugging function) as P0 J = function (str) return str end -- join / identity setgetargs(vargs1, "J") -- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl") -- (find-angg "TH/index-old.th") def [[ HREF 2 url,str "<a href=\"$url\">$str</a>" ]] def [[ H1 1 str "<h1>$str</h1>\n" ]] def [[ H2 1 str "<h2>$str</h2>\n" ]] def [[ H3 1 str "<h3>$str</h3>\n" ]] def [[ H4 1 str "<h4>$str</h4>\n" ]] def [[ H5 1 str "<h5>$str</h5>\n" ]] def [[ H6 1 str "<h6>$str</h6>\n" ]] def [[ UL 1 str "<ul>\n$str</ul>\n" ]] def [[ LI 1 str "<li>$str\n" ]] def [[ LIST1 1L arr UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]] def [[ LIST2 1L arr UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]] def [[ LIST3 1L arr UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]] def [[ HLIST1 2L head,arr H2(head)..LIST1(arr) ]] def [[ HLIST2 2L head,arr head.."\n"..LIST2(arr) ]] def [[ HLIST3 2L head,arr head.."\n"..LIST3(arr) ]] def [[ BF 1 str "<strong>$str</strong>" ]] def [[ IT 1 str "<i>$str</i>" ]] def [[ RM 1 str "</i>$str<i>" ]] def [[ TT 1 str "<code>$str</code>" ]] def [[ EM 1 str "<em>$str</em>" ]] def [[ PRE 1 str "<pre>$str</pre>" ]] def [[ SMALL 1 body "<small>$body</small>" ]] def [[ NAME 2 tag,str "<a name=\"$tag\">$str</a>" ]] def [[ COLOR 2 color,str "<font color=\"$color\">$str</font>" ]] def [[ IMG 2 url,alt "<img src=\"$url\" alt=\"$alt\" border=0>\n" ]] def [[ IMAGE 2 url,alt HREF(url, "<br>"..IMG(url,alt)) ]] def [[ P 1 str "\n\n<p>$str" ]] def [[ TITLE 1 str "<title>$str</title>\n" ]] def [[ HEAD 1 str "<head>\n$str</head>\n" ]] def [[ BODY 1 str "<body>\n$str\n</body>\n" ]] def [[ HTML 1 str "<html>\n$str</html>\n" ]] def [[ TABLE 1 text "<table>$text</table>\n" ]] def [[ TR 1 text "<tr>$text</tr>\n" ]] def [[ TD 1 text "<td>$text</td>\n" ]] def [[ TH 1 text "<th>$text</th>\n" ]] def [[ DIV 1 text "<div>$text</div>\n" ]] def [[ TABLE+ 2 attribs,text "<table $attribs>$text</table>\n" ]] def [[ TR+ 2 attribs,text "<tr $attribs>$text</tr>\n" ]] def [[ TD+ 2 attribs,text "<td $attribs>$text</td>\n" ]] def [[ TH+ 2 attribs,text "<th $attribs>$text</th>\n" ]] def [[ DIV+ 2 attribs,text "<div $attribs>$text</div>\n" ]] def [[ UL+ 2 attribs,str "<ul $attribs>\n$str</ul>\n" ]] def [[ STYLE 1 style "style=\"$style\"" ]] def [[ CLASS 1 class "class=\"$class\"" ]] def [[ NARROW 1 text "\n<blockquote>\n$text\n</blockquote>\n" ]] def [[ BOX 1 body "\n<table><tr><td>\n"..body.."\n</td></tr></table>\n" ]] def [[ BORDERLESSBOX 1 body "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n$body\n</td></tr></table>\n" ]] def [[ BORDERLESSBOX+ 2 attribs,body "<table border=\"0\" $attribs><tr><td>\n$body\n</td></tr></table>\n" ]] -- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl") -- (find-angg "TH/index-old.th") --;; --;; entities and quoting (Q) --;; (find-eleimfile "quail/sgml-input.el") --;; entities_string = [[ Æ AElig Á Aacute  Acirc À Agrave Å Aring à Atilde Ä Auml Ç Ccedil É Eacute Ê Ecirc È Egrave Ë Euml Í Iacute Ï Iuml Ó Oacute Ô Ocirc Ò Ograve Õ Otilde Ö Ouml Ú Uacute Û Ucirc Ù Ugrave Ü Uuml á aacute â acirc æ aelig à agrave å aring ã atilde ä auml ç ccedil é eacute ê ecirc è egrave ë euml í iacute î icirc ì igrave ï iuml ó oacute ô ocirc ò ograve õ otilde ö ouml ß szlig ú uacute û ucirc ù ugrave ü uuml ª ordf « laquo ° deg º ordm » raquo & amp > gt < lt Ñ Ntilde ñ ntilde × times ]] .. " \" quot " reset_entities = function () entities = {} entities_chars = "" entities_re = "[]" end add_entities = function (entstr) local e = split(entstr) for i=1,getn(e)-1,2 do entities[e[i]] = "&"..e[i+1]..";" entities_chars = entities_chars..e[i] end entities_re = "(["..entities_chars.."])" end reset_entities() add_entities(entities_string) encode_entities = function (str) return string.gsub(str, entities_re, function (c) return entities[c] end) end def [[ Q 1 text encode_entities(text) ]] -- Q = encode_entities -- setgetargs(vargs1, "Q") --;; --;; unaccent (useful to make anchors) --;; unaccent_from, unaccent_to = "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊË�Í�ÏÑÒÓÔÕÖ�ÙÚÛÜ�àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõö�ùúûü�", "AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuy" unaccent_re = "(["..unaccent_from.."])" unaccent_table = {} for i = 1,strlen(unaccent_from) do unaccent_table[strsub(unaccent_from, i, i)] = strsub(unaccent_to, i, i) end unaccent = function (str) return gsub(str, unaccent_re, function (c) return unaccent_table[c] end) end def [[ UNACCENT 1 str unaccent(str) ]] --;; --;; heads with strange evaluation strategies (quoting, usually) --;; SHOWTHIS = function () print(substring(b, e)); return "" end _G["#"] = function () return "" end _G["'"] = function () parse("%s*"); return substring(pos, e) end _G["lua:"] = function () return eval(substring(pos, e)) or "" end _G["<"] = function () return "[" end _G[">"] = function () return "]" end setgetargs(nop, "SHOWTHIS # ' lua: < >") --;; --;; snarf urls (fake for the moment) --;; -- (find-angg "TH/") -- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl" "local_remote_urls") tosnarf_prefix = "/home/edrx/snarf/" tosnarf = function (str) local _, __, p, rest = string.find(str, "^([a-z]+)://(.*)") if _ and (p == "http" or p == "ftp" or p == "file") then return tosnarf_prefix..p.."/"..rest end end R = lambda("url, body", [[HREF(url, smash(body) or url)]]) L = lambda("url, body", [[HREF(tosnarf(url) or url, smash(body) or url)]]) LR = lambda("url, body", [[L(url, body).." ("..R(url,"rmt")..")"]]) A0L = R relativepathto_prefix = "" relativepathto = function (str) return relativepathto_prefix .. str end section = function (str) return (smash(str) and "#"..str) or "" end MYL = function (fname, text) return HREF(relativepathto(fname), smash(text) or fname) end MYURL = function (url, name) return relativepathto(smash(name) and url or url.."#"..name) end AURL = function (astem, name) return relativepathto(astem..".html"..section(name)) end -- str = "foo#bar#plic" -- PP(split(str, "#")) -- str = "foo" -- P(string.find(str, "^([^#]*)#?(.*)")) bef_aft_hash = function (str) local _, __, bef, aft = string.find(str or "", "^([^#]*)#?(.*)") return {bef, aft} end vargshash2 = function () return bef_aft_hash(vword()), vrest() or "" end AL = function (anggurl, text) return L(AURL(anggurl[1], anggurl[2]), smash(text) or anggurl[1]) end ES = function (target, text) return L(relativepathto("e/"..target[1]..".e.html"..section(target[2])), smash(text) or target[1]) end nbytes = function (fname) local f = io.open(fname) if f then return f:seek("end"), f:close() end end MYLBYTES = function (fname, txt) local size = nbytes(fname) return MYL(fname, txt.." ("..(size or "??").." bytes)") end setgetargs(vargs2, "R L LR A0L MYL MYLBYTES") setgetargs(vargshash2, "AL ES") setstubs("LUANODE LIBCNODE EXPNODE") def [[ E 2 stem,anchor "e/$stem.e.html"..section(anchor) ]] IFL = J IFR = J BR = function () return "\n<br>\n" end RULE = function () return "\n\n<hr size=1>\n\n" end ANAME = NAME setgetargs(vargs1, "IFL IFR BR RULE ANAME") -- procj AL1 {anggurl text} { # experimental version -- foreach {astem name} $anggurl {} -- L1 [AURL $astem $name] [or $text $astem] -- } -- -- beforehash = function (str) -- afterhash -- (find-angg "TH/Generate" "link_functions") -- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua") -- (find-fline "index.blogme") --;; --;; dtd --;; dtd_transitional = [[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> ]] dtd_strict = [[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> ]] headdtd = dtd_transitional html_dtd = dtd_transitional metastr = "" -- keywords, etc; addmeta, addkeywords are missing TITLEDHTML = lambda("title, body", [[headdtd..HTML(HEAD(TITLE(title)..metastr..headstyle).."\n"..BODY(body))]]) setgetargs(vargs2, "TITLEDHTML") -- New way: html_style = "" -- (find-wdgrefw3m "html40/head/head.html" "STYLE") html_meta = "" -- (find-wdgrefw3m "html40/head/head.html" "META") html_favicon = "" html_speedbar = "" def [[ html_head 1 title HEAD(TITLE(title)..html_meta.. html_favicon..html_style) ]] def [[ html_body_0 2 title,body H3(Q(title)).."\n"..body..localhack() ]] def [[ html_body_1 2 title,body DIV(BORDERLESSBOX(html_body_0(title,body))) ]] def [[ html_body_2 2 title,body html_speedbar..html_body_1(title,body) ]] def [[ html_body 2 title,body html_body_0(title,body) ]] def [[ html_all 2 title,body html_dtd.. HTML(html_head(title).."\n".. BODY(html_body(title,body))) ]] def [[ htmlize 2 title,body set("blogme_output", html_all(title, body)) ]] -- Example: [SETHEADSTYLE h3 { background-color: orange; }] def [[ HEADSTYLE 1 styles "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n$styles -->\n</style>\n" ]] def [[ SETHEADSTYLE 1 styles set("html_style", HEADSTYLE(styles)) ]] def [[ SETFAVICON 1 url set("html_favicon", "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"$url\" />\n") ]] -- Old: -- headstyle = "" -- for an inline stylesheet -- def [[ SETHEADSTYLE 1 styles set("headstyle", HEADSTYLE(styles)) ]] -- _G["SETHEADSTYLE"] = function (styles) headstyle = HEADSTYLE(styles) end -- _A["SETHEADSTYLE"] = vargs1 -- HTMLIZE = lambda("title, body", -- [[TITLEDHTML(Q(title), H3(Q(title)).."\n"..body..localhack())]]) -- def [[ HTMLIZE 2 title,body -- TITLEDHTML(Q(title), H3(Q(title)).."\n"..body..localhack()) ]] -- def [[ htmlize 2 title,body set("blogme_output", HTMLIZE(title, body)) ]] localhack = lambda("", [["\n(Local hack not implemented)"]]) localhack = function () return "" end -- Missing: this should change temporarily the file name and should check -- the brackets def [[ INCLUDE 1 fname withsubj(readfile(fname), vparse) ]] def [[ WAYBACK 1 url "http://web.archive.org/web/*/"..url ]] def [[ pkg 2 section,name R("http://packages.debian.org/testing/$section/"..name, name) ]] -- (find-dn4file "dednat4.lua" "untabify =") -- (find-es "lua5" "string.gsub") untabify_table = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} --{"--------", "-------", "------", "-----", "----", "---", "--", "-"} untabify_strtab = function (strbeforetab) return strbeforetab .. untabify_table[math.mod(strlen(strbeforetab), 8) + 1] end two_d_trim = function (str) str = gsub(str, "^([ \t]*\n)*", "") -- remove initial blank lines str = gsub(str, "[ \t]+\n", "\n") -- remove whitespace at the right str = gsub(str, "[ \t\n]*$", "") -- remove whitespace at the end str = gsub(str, "([^\t\n]*)\t", untabify_strtab) -- untabify return str end -- (find-fline "blogme2-inner.lua") -- (find-fline "blogme2-middle.lua") -- (find-fline "blogme2-outer.lua")