Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- options.lua - process command-line options. -- This is part of blogme3. -- -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2022may21 -- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/options.lua> -- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/options.lua.html> -- License: GPL. -- «.htmlization_head» (to "htmlization_head") -- «.htmlization_warning» (to "htmlization_warning") -- «.htmlizefile» (to "htmlizefile") -- «.htmlizefile_utf8» (to "htmlizefile_utf8") -- «.dooptions» (to "dooptions") -- «.basic-options» (to "basic-options") -- «.basic-options-sandwich» (to "basic-options-sandwich") -- «.basic-options-sep2021» (to "basic-options-sep2021") -- «._O» (to "_O") DBG = DBG or function () end --------[ experimental ]-------- -- «htmlization_head» (to ".htmlization_head") mdef [[ htmlization_head 1 fname <head> <title>[$ fname] (htmlized) </title> </head> ]] --------[ htmlization_warning ]-------- -- «htmlization_warning» (to ".htmlization_warning") mdef [[ htmlization_warning_ 2 original,htmlizer <table><tr><td bgcolor="#CC0000"><font color="#FFCC00" size=-1> Warning: this is an htmlized version! <br>The original is <a href="[$ original]">here</a>, and <br>the conversion rules are <a href="[$ htmlizer]">here</a>. </font></td></tr></table> ]] def [[ htmlization_warning 1 fname htmlization_warning_( fnamenondirectory(fname), pathto "htmlize.html" ) ]] --------[ htmlizefile ]-------- -- «htmlizefile» (to ".htmlizefile") -- (find-blogme3file "anggdefs.lua" "MYL 2 fname,text") -- (find-fline "~/TH/L/bin/fastcmp.lua.html") -- (find-blogme3file "escripts.lua") -- (find-blogme3file "escripts.lua" "htmlizefile =") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "u8_to_l1") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "u8_to_l1" "u8_to_l1_maybe =") htmlizefile = function (fname, outfname, htmlizer) outfname = outfname or fname..".html" htmlizer = htmlizer or htmlizelines local fcontents = readfile(fname) local fnamestem = fnamenondirectory(fname) local warning = htmlization_warning(fname) local head = htmlization_head(fname) local body = BODY(warning .. PRE(htmlizer(fcontents))) writefile(outfname, sgmlify(HTML(head .. body))) end htmlizefile_with_u8_hack = function (fname, outfname, htmlizer) outfname = outfname or fname..".html" htmlizer = htmlizer or htmlizelines -- local fcontents = readfile(fname) DBG(74) local fcontents = u8_to_l1_maybe(readfile(fname)) DBG(76) local fnamestem = fnamenondirectory(fname) DBG(78) local warning = htmlization_warning(fname) DBG(80) local head = htmlization_head(fname) DBG(82) local body = BODY(warning .. PRE(htmlizer(fcontents))) DBG(84) writefile(outfname, sgmlify(HTML(head .. body))) DBG(86) end -- «htmlizefile_utf8» (to ".htmlizefile_utf8") -- Experimental, 2021sep12 -- loadhtmlize_utf8 = function () require "sandwiches-defs" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches-defs.lua") require "htmlize-utf8" -- (find-blogme3 "htmlize-utf8.lua") hl_utf8 = HtmlizeLine { left = function (hl, str) return HtmlizeLeft :match(str) end, plain = function (hl, str) return HtmlizeMiddle:match(str) end, } htmlizeline = function (linestr) return (hl_utf8:line(linestr)) end html_dtd = dtd_transitional .. dtd_encoding_utf8 end htmlizefile_utf8 = function (fname, outfname) loadhtmlize_utf8() outfname = outfname or fname..".html" local fcontents = ee_readfile(fname) local fnamestem = fnamenondirectory(fname) local warning = htmlization_warning(fname) local head = htmlization_head(fname) local body = BODY(warning .. PRE(htmlizelines(fcontents))) writefile(outfname, html_dtd .. HTML(head .. body)) end --------[ dooptions ]-------- -- «dooptions» (to ".dooptions") -- input = readfile(fname_input) -- output = doblogme(input) -- writefile(fname_output, output) -- _O = _O or {} dooptionss = function (args) dooptions(unpack(args)) end dooptions = function (...) if arg.n < 1 then return end local optionname = arg[1] if not _O[optionname] then error(format("Not in _O (for dooptions): %q", optionname)) end table.remove(arg, 1) _O[optionname](unpack(arg)) end --------[ basic options ]-------- -- «basic-options» (to ".basic-options") -- (find-blogme3file "defs.lua" "blogme_output") dooption_i = function (fname) doblogme(readfile(fname)) writefile(outputfile, blogme_output) end dooption_o = function (fname) outputfile = fname pathtoroot = getpathtoroot(fname) eevarticle = pathto("eev-article.html") eepitchreadme = pathto("eev-current/eepitch.readme.html") eepitch_el = pathto("eev-current/eepitch.el.html") eevintrosdir = pathto("eev-intros/") require "angglisp" -- (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua") -- If I supported "lazy urls" in the _EHELP table then I wouldn't -- need to wait until "-o" to load angglisp. This is ridiculous. -- experimental, 2007oct15: loada2html always end dooption_a2html = function (fname) htmlizefile(fname, outputfile) end dooption_a2html = function (fname) htmlizefile_with_u8_hack(fname, outputfile) end dooption_e = function (luacode) assert(loadstring(luacode))() end dooption_dd = function (fname) writefile(fname, defs_as_lua().."\n") end dooption_ei2html = function (fname) require "eevintros" -- (find-blogme3 "eevintros.lua") htmlizeeevintro(fname, outputfile) end dooption_sexptarget = function (s) loadblogme3rest() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadblogme3") require "sexp" -- (find-blogme3 "sexp.lua") print(STOT(s)) -- (find-blogme3 "sexp.lua" "STOH") end -- «basic-options-sandwich» (to ".basic-options-sandwich") -- 2021jan16: Experimental variants of the basic options that use the -- sandwich libraries. -- (find-blogme3 "elisp.lua" "relative-links") dooption_a2html_aug2021 = function (fname) require "sandwiches-defs" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches-defs.lua") use_sand_htmlizeline(fname) htmlizefile_with_u8_hack(fname, outputfile) end dooption_ei2html = function (fname) require "sandwiches-defs" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches-defs.lua") use_sand_htmlizeline(fname) require "eevintros" -- (find-blogme3 "eevintros.lua") htmlizeeevintro(fname, outputfile) end -- «basic-options-sep2021» (to ".basic-options-sep2021") dooption_a2html_sep2021 = function (fname) require "detect-encoding" -- (find-blogme3 "detect-encoding.lua") local enc = DetectEncoding.new(fname, "./"):guessencoding() if enc == "raw-text-unix" then dooption_a2html_aug2021(fname) else -- print("Using htmlizefile_utf8!") htmlizefile_utf8(fname, outputfile) end end -- (find-es "blogme" "debug-a2html") -- Select one: -- dooption_a2html = dooption_a2html_aug2021 dooption_a2html = dooption_a2html_sep2021 -- «_O» (to "._O") _O = _O or {} -- _O["-o"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_o(fn); dooptions(unpack(arg)) end -- _O["-i"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_i(fn); dooptions(unpack(arg)) end -- _O["-a2html"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_a2html(fn); dooptions(unpack(arg)) end -- _O["-e"] = function (lc, ...) dooption_e(lc); dooptions(unpack(arg)) end -- _O["-dd"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_dd(fn); dooptions(unpack(arg)) end _O["-o"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_o(fn); dooptions(...) end _O["-i"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_i(fn); dooptions(...) end _O["-a2html"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_a2html(fn); dooptions(...) end _O["-ei2html"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_ei2html(fn); dooptions(...) end _O["-e"] = function (lc, ...) dooption_e(lc); dooptions(...) end _O["-dd"] = function (fn, ...) dooption_dd(fn); dooptions(...) end _O["-test"] = function (a, ...) print("TEST", a); dooptions(...) end _O["-sexptarget"] = function (s, ...) dooption_sexptarget(s); dooptions(...) end -- Other options, not implemented: run doblogme inside a xpcall; ... -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- End: