Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
This is the README.md file for eev.

I used to call eev a "tool for automating almost everything" and "my
project to save the world with Free Software". In more concrete terms,
eev is a library for Emacs that lets us create _executable logs_ of
what we do in a format that is reasonably easy to read and to modify,
and that lets us "play back" those logs step by step in any order.

The tutorial at


explains the main ideas of eev - elisp hyperlinks, a way to control
shell-like programs ("eepitch"), and sandboxed tutorials (the
"find-xxx-intro"s) - quite clearly in its first sections. I've been
using it to teach Emacs and GNU/Linux to beginners.


### EmacsConf 2019

Besides that tutorial the best introduction to eev is this video:

  How to record executable notes with eev - and how to play them back  
  http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2019emacsconf.pdf (slides)  

Its slide 13 shows how beginners can learn eev by starting with just
two keys, M-j and M-e. See:



### Older videos

These two older videos are also interesting:

  Eepitch: a way to control shell-like programs from Emacs (2013)  

  An introduction to eev2 (2012)  

The video about eepitch has a very nice demonstration of controlling
two shell-like programs at once - watch its first two minutes. Note: I
made these two videos before implementing the "find-xxx-intro"s, that
in the last few years became a central feature in eev.


### Etc

The main URLs for eev are these:


The "quick intro" has installation instructions.

Cheers! =)  
  Eduardo Ochs  
  [email protected]  