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-- gab.lua - Gabriela Avila's calculator for quantified -- expressions, Lua version (full) -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2012may13 -- Licence: GPL3 -- -- The latest upstream version of this can be found at: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gab.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gab.lua.html -- (find-dn5 "gab.lua") -- -- Older version: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gabriela.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gabriela.lua.html -- (find-dn5 "gabriela.lua") -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gabriela-app.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/gabriela-app.lua.html -- (find-dn5 "gabriela-app.lua") -- Quick index: -- «.eoo.lua» (to "eoo.lua") -- «.Expr» (to "Expr") -- «.expr:infix» (to "expr:infix") -- «.constructors» (to "constructors") -- «.expr:tolisp» (to "expr:tolisp") -- «.expr:eval» (to "expr:eval") -- «.eval-quantifiers» (to "eval-quantifiers") -- «.Rect» (to "Rect") -- «.expr:print» (to "expr:print") -- «.expr:Dbg» (to "expr:Dbg") -- «.Context» (to "Context") -- Quick index: -- «.contexts» (to "contexts") -- «.contexts-test» (to "contexts-test") -- «.def-lambda-app» (to "def-lambda-app") -- «.comprehension» (to "comprehension") -- «.comprehension-test» (to "comprehension-test") -- «.def-lambda-app-tests» (to "def-lambda-app-tests") -- «.grids» (to "grids") -- «.grids-tests» (to "grids-tests") -- «.old-parser» (to "old-parser") -- «.precedence-table» (to "precedence-table") -- «.precedence» (to "precedence") -- «.recursive-descent» (to "recursive-descent") -- «.parser-grammar» (to "parser-grammar") -- «.lpeg-parser» (to "lpeg-parser") -- «.pe» (to "pe") -- «.modal» (to "modal") -- -- ___ ___ ___ -- / _ \/ _ \ / _ \ -- | __/ (_) | (_) | -- \___|\___/ \___/ -- -- «eoo.lua» (to ".eoo.lua") -- dofile "eoo.lua" -- (find-dn5 "eoo.lua") -- Just the relevant definitions from eoo.lua, to make this self-contained. -- The documentation is at: -- (find-dn5 "eoo.lua" "test-eoo") -- (find-dn5 "eoo.lua" "box-diagram") Class = { type = "Class", __call = function (class, o) return setmetatable(o, class) end, } setmetatable(Class, Class) otype = function (o) -- works like type, except on my "objects" local mt = getmetatable(o) return mt and mt.type or type(o) end -- end of eoo.lua -- _ -- _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ -- | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \| '_ \ / __/ _` | __| -- | | | | | | (_| | |_) | (_| (_) | | | | (_| (_| | |_ -- |_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \___\___/|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__| -- |_| -- -- And here are "mapconcat" and friends, from my init file: -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "map" "mapconcat") -- (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-table.concat") map = function (f, A, i, j) local B = {} for k=(i or 1),(j or #A) do table.insert(B, (f(A[k]))) end return B end mapconcat = function (f, A, sep, i, j) return table.concat(map(f, A, i, j), sep) end foldl = function (f, a, B, i, j) for k=(i or 1),(j or #B) do a = f(a, B[k]) end return a end id = function (...) return ... end sorted = function (T, lt) table.sort(T, lt); return T end keys = function (T) local ks = {} for k,_ in pairs(T) do table.insert(ks, k) end return ks end min = function (a, b) return a < b and a or b end max = function (a, b) return a < b and b or a end unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- end of mapconcat -- _____ -- | ____|_ ___ __ _ __ -- | _| \ \/ / '_ \| '__| -- | |___ > <| |_) | | -- |_____/_/\_\ .__/|_| -- |_| -- -- «Expr» (to ".Expr") -- «expr:infix» (to ".expr:infix") Expr = Class { type = "Expr", __index = { print = function (e) print(e); return e end, -- uses __tostring }, __tostring = function (e) return tostring(e:infix()) end, __add = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="+", e1, e2} end, __sub = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="-", e1, e2} end, __mul = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="*", e1, e2} end, __div = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="/", e1, e2} end, __unm = function (e1) return Expr {[0]="u-", e1} end, } -- Constructors -- «constructors» (to ".constructors") Num = function (n) return Expr {[0]="n", n} end Var = function (s) return Expr {[0]="v", s} end Bool = function (b) return Expr {[0]="b", b} end Unm = function (e1) return - e1 end Mul = function (e1, e2) return e1 * e2 end Div = function (e1, e2) return e1 / e2 end Add = function (e1, e2) return e1 + e2 end Sub = function (e1, e2) return e1 - e2 end Eq = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="==", e1, e2} end Lt = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="<", e1, e2} end Le = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="<=", e1, e2} end Ge = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]=">=", e1, e2} end Gt = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="<", e1, e2} end Neq = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="!=", e1, e2} end Not = function (e1) return Expr {[0]="nt", e1} end And = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="&", e1, e2} end Or = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="or", e1, e2} end Imp = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="->", e1, e2} end Tuple = function (...) return Expr {[0]="()", ...} end Set = function (...) return Expr {[0]="{}", ...} end -- Fa = function (e1, e2, e3) return Expr {[0]="Fa", e1, e2, e3} end -- Ex = function (e1, e2, e3) return Expr {[0]="Ex", e1, e2, e3} end Fa = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="Fa", e1, e2} end Ex = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="Ex", e1, e2} end True = Bool(true) False = Bool(false) -- ___ _ -- __ ____ _ _ __ ___ ( _ ) ___ ___ _ __ ___| |_ ___ -- \ \ / / _` | '__/ __| / _ \/\ / __/ _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ __| -- \ V / (_| | | \__ \ | (_> < | (_| (_) | | | \__ \ |_\__ \ -- \_/ \__,_|_| |___/ \___/\/ \___\___/|_| |_|___/\__|___/ -- -- Convenience: some expressions (variables and numeric constants) -- that I use in tests _0 = Num(0) _1 = Num(1) _2 = Num(2) _3 = Num(3) _4 = Num(4) _5 = Num(5) a = Var "a" b = Var "b" c = Var "c" d = Var "d" k = Var "k" x = Var "x" y = Var "y" -- _ _ _ -- | |_ ___ | (_)___ _ __ -- | __/ _ \| | / __| '_ \ -- | || (_) | | \__ \ |_) | -- \__\___/|_|_|___/ .__/ -- |_| -- -- «expr:tolisp» (to ".expr:tolisp") -- A Lisp-ish representation. -- Note that our Exprs use 0-based arrays, not cons cells. -- (find-elnode "Cons Cell Type") -- (find-elnode "Box Diagrams") tolisp = function (e) if type(e) == "number" then return e elseif type(e) == "string" then return "\""..e.."\"" elseif otype(e) == "Expr" then return "("..tolisp(e[0]).." "..mapconcat(tolisp, e, " ")..")" else return "<"..tostring(e)..">" end end Expr.__index.tolisp = function (e) return tolisp(e) end Expr.__index.lprint = function (e) print(e:tolisp()); return e end -- _ __ _ -- (_)_ __ / _(_)_ __ -- | | '_ \| |_| \ \/ / -- | | | | | _| |> < -- |_|_| |_|_| |_/_/\_\ -- Expr.__index.infix = function (e, b) local op, e1, e2, e3 = e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3] local t, str if op == "v" then t, str = 200, e[1] elseif op == "n" then t, str = 200, tostring(e[1]) elseif op == "b" then t, str = 200, e[1] and "T" or "F" elseif op == "u-" then t, str = 9, "-"..e1:infix(100) elseif op == "*" then t, str = 8, e1:infix(7).."*"..e2:infix(8) elseif op == "/" then t, str = 8, e1:infix(7).."*"..e2:infix(8) elseif op == "+" then t, str = 7, e1:infix(6).."+"..e2:infix(7) elseif op == "-" then t, str = 7, e1:infix(6).."-"..e2:infix(7) elseif op == "==" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." == "..e2:infix(6) elseif op == "<=" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." <= "..e2:infix(6) elseif op == ">=" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." >= "..e2:infix(6) elseif op == "<" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." < " ..e2:infix(6) elseif op == ">" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." > " ..e2:infix(6) elseif op == "!=" then t, str = 6, e1:infix(6).." != "..e2:infix(6) elseif op == "nt" then t, str = 5, "not "..e1:infix(4) elseif op == "&" then t, str = 4, e1:infix(3).." & " ..e2:infix(4) elseif op == "or" then t, str = 3, e1:infix(2).." or "..e2:infix(3) elseif op == "->" then t, str = 2, e1:infix(2).." -> "..e2:infix(2) elseif op == "()" then t, str = 200, "("..e:infixs()..")" elseif op == "{}" then t, str = 200, "{"..e:infixs().."}" elseif op == "Fa" then t, str = 1, "Fa "..e1:infix()..". "..e2:infix() elseif op == "Ex" then t, str = 1, "Ex "..e1:infix()..". "..e2:infix() -- elseif op == "Fa" then t, str = 1, "Fa "..e1:infix().." in ".. -- e2:infix()..". "..e3:infix() -- elseif op == "Ex" then t, str = 1, "Ex "..e1:infix().." in ".. -- e2:infix()..". "..e3:infix() elseif op == "Dg" then str, t = e1:infix() --#ifdef HAS_LAMBDA elseif op == "De" then t, str = 200, e1 elseif op == "Ap" then t, str = 200, e1:infix(3).."("..e2:infix()..")" elseif op == "\\" then t, str = 3, "\\"..e1:infix().."."..e2:infix() --#endif HAS_LAMBDA --#ifdef HAS_COMPREHENSION -- subset, set of images, generator, filter, collect elseif op == "Su" then t, str = 200, "{"..e1:infix().." | ".. e:infixs(", ", 2, #e-1).."}" elseif op == "So" then t, str = 200, "{"..e[#e]:infix().." | ".. e:infixs(", ", 1, #e-1).."}" elseif op == "<-" then t, str = 200, e1:infix().." <- "..e2:infix() --#endif HAS_COMPREHENSION --#endif HAS_MODAL elseif op == "Mo" then t, str = 200, e1 --#ifdef HAS_MODAL -- else str, t = e:infix_other(b) -- all extensions else error("Bad expr:"..tolisp(e)) end if b and t <= b then str = "("..str..")" end return str, t end Expr.__index.infixs = function (e, sep, i, j) return mapconcat(e.infix, e, (sep or ", "), i, j) end -- _ -- _____ ____ _| | -- / _ \ \ / / _` | | -- | __/\ V / (_| | | -- \___| \_/ \__,_|_| -- -- «expr:eval» (to ".expr:eval") -- Evaluation. -- To avoid making the code above too big we inject new methods into -- Expr, using a low-level syntax for that: -- Expr.__index.newmethod = function (e, a, b, c) ... end etype = function (e) return otype(e) == "Expr" and e[0] end Expr.__index.neval = function (e) local ee = e:eval() if etype(ee) == "n" then return ee[1] end error("Not a number: "..tostring(ee)) end Expr.__index.beval = function (e) local ee = e:eval() if etype(ee) == "b" then return ee[1] end error("Not a boolean: "..tostring(ee)) end Expr.__index.seval = function (e) local ee = e:eval() if etype(ee) == "{}" then return ee end error("Not a set: "..tostring(ee)) end Expr.__index.eval_components = function (e) local A = map(e.eval, e) A[0] = e[0] return Expr(A) end _and = function (P, Q) return P and Q end _or = function (P, Q) return P or Q end _imp = function (P, Q) return (not P) or Q end context = {} Expr.__index.eval = function (e) local op, e1, e2, e3 = e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3] if op == "n" then return e elseif op == "b" then return e elseif op == "v" then return context[e1] or error("Undef: "..e1) elseif op == "u-" then return Num(- e1:neval()) elseif op == "*" then return Num(e1:neval() * e2:neval()) elseif op == "/" then return Num(e1:neval() / e2:neval()) elseif op == "+" then return Num(e1:neval() + e2:neval()) elseif op == "-" then return Num(e1:neval() - e2:neval()) elseif op == "==" then return Bool(e1:neval() == e2:neval()) elseif op == "<=" then return Bool(e1:neval() <= e2:neval()) elseif op == ">=" then return Bool(e1:neval() >= e2:neval()) elseif op == "<" then return Bool(e1:neval() < e2:neval()) elseif op == ">" then return Bool(e1:neval() > e2:neval()) elseif op == "!=" then return Bool(e1:neval() ~= e2:neval()) elseif op == "nt" then return Bool(not e1:beval()) elseif op == "&" then return Bool(_and(e1:beval(), e2:beval())) elseif op == "or" then return Bool(_or (e1:beval(), e2:beval())) elseif op == "->" then return Bool(_imp(e1:beval(), e2:beval())) elseif op == "{}" then return e:eval_components() elseif op == "()" then return e:eval_components() elseif op == "Fa" then return Bool(e1[1]:_fold(true,_and,_beval, e1[2], e2)) elseif op == "Ex" then return Bool(e1[1]:_fold(false,_or,_beval, e1[2], e2)) -- elseif op == "Fa" then return Bool(e1:_fold(true, _and, _beval, e2, e3)) -- elseif op == "Ex" then return Bool(e1:_fold(false, _or, _beval, e2, e3)) elseif op == "Dg" then return e1:DbgEval() -- defined elsewhere else return e:eval_other() -- all extensions end end -- _ _ __ _ -- __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ | |_(_)/ _(_) ___ _ __ ___ -- / _` | | | |/ _` | '_ \| __| | |_| |/ _ \ '__/ __| -- | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | | |_| | _| | __/ | \__ \ -- \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|_|_| |_|\___|_| |___/ -- |_| -- «eval-quantifiers» (to ".eval-quantifiers") -- The evaluation code for "Fa" and "Ex" calls "_fold" and "_beval", -- that are defined below. Expr.__index.varname = function (e) if etype(e) == "v" then return e[1] end error("Not a variable: "..tostring(ee)) end Expr.__index.as = function (var, value, expr) local vname = var:varname() local oldvalue = context[vname] context[vname] = value local result = expr:eval() context[vname] = oldvalue return result end Expr.__index._fold = function (var, r, op, normalize, set, expr) for _,value in ipairs(set) do r = op(r, normalize(var:as(value, expr))) end return r end _beval = function (e) return e:beval() end Expr.__index.peval = function (e) local result = e:eval() print(tostring(e).." --> "..tostring(result)) return result end -- __ ___ -- \ \ / / |__ ___ _ __ -- \ \ /\ / /| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ -- \ V V / | | | | __/ | | | -- \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|_| |_| -- -- Obsolete? Expr.__index.When = function (var, value, expr) return "When " ..tostring(var).. "=" ..tostring(value).. ": " ..tostring(expr).. " --> "..tostring(var:as(value, expr)) end Expr.__index.Whens = function (var, set, expr) for _,value in ipairs(set) do print(var:When(value, expr)) end end -- ____ _ -- | _ \ ___ ___| |_ -- | |_) / _ \/ __| __| -- | _ < __/ (__| |_ -- |_| \_\___|\___|\__| -- -- «Rect» (to ".Rect") -- Rectangles (for trees) -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.rep") strrep = function (str, n) return string.rep(str, max(0, n)) end strpad = function (str, n, char) return str..strrep(char or " ", n-#str) end copy = function (A) local B = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = v end setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) return B end stringtorect = function (str, height) local lines = splitlines(str) lines.w = foldl(max, 0, map(string.len, lines)) return Rect(lines):raise(height or 0) end torect = function (o, height) if otype(o) == "Rect" then return o end if otype(o) == "Expr" then return o:torect() end return stringtorect(tostring(o), height) end Rect = Class { type = "Rect", __index = { copy = function (rect) return copy(rect) end, min = function (rect) for i=1,-100000,-1 do if rect[i-1] == nil then return i end end end, max = function (rect) return #rect end, raise = function (rect, n) if n == "b" then n = rect:max()-1 end for i=rect:min(),rect:max()+n do rect[i-n] = rect[i] end return rect end, lower = function (rect, n) if n == "t" then n = -rect:min()+1 end for i=rect:max(),rect:min()-n,-1 do rect[i+n] = rect[i] end return rect end, lowert = function (rect) return rect:min() == 1 and rect or rect:copy():lower("t") end, -- get = function (rect, y) return rect[y] or "" end, getp = function (rect, y, c) return strpad(rect:get(y), rect.w, c) end, adjw = function (rect, y) rect.w = max(rect.w, #rect:get(y)) end, set = function (rect, y, str, fill) for i=y+1,rect:min()-1 do rect[i] = fill or "" end for i=#rect+1,y-1 do rect[i] = fill or "" end rect[y] = str rect:adjw(y) return rect end, under = function (rect, str) return rect:copy():set(rect:min()-2, str, "|"):lower(2) end, under_ = function (rect, str, n) return rect:under(strpad(str, rect.w+(n or 2), "_")) end, }, __tostring = function (rect) return mapconcat(id, rect, "\n", rect:min(), rect:max()) end, __concat = function (r1, r2) r1 = torect(r1) r2 = torect(r2) r3 = Rect {w=0} for y=min(r1:min(), r2:min()),max(r1:max(), r2:max()) do r3:set(y, r1:getp(y, " ")..r2:get(y)) end r3.l = r1.l r3.r = r2.r return r3 end, } rectconcat = function (op, rects) if #rects == 0 then return torect(op) end if #rects == 1 then return torect(rects[1]):under(op) end local out = torect(rects[1]):under_(op) for i=2,#rects-1 do out = out..torect(rects[i]):under_(".") end return out..torect(rects[#rects]):under(".") end Expr.__index.torect = function (e) local op, e1 = e[0], e[1] if op == "n" then return torect(e1) end if op == "v" then return torect(e1) end if op == "b" then return torect(e:infix()) end -- local subrects = map(Expr.__index.torect, e) local subrects = map(torect, e) return rectconcat (op, subrects) end -- «expr:print» (to ".expr:print") -- Some methods for printing Expr.__index.rprint = function (e) print(e:torect()); return e end Expr.__index.preval = function (e) print(tostring(e)) print(torect(e)) print() local result = e:eval() print(" --> "..tostring(result)) print() return result end -- ____ _ -- | _ \| |__ __ _ -- | | | | '_ \ / _` | -- | |_| | |_) | (_| | -- |____/|_.__/ \__, | -- |___/ -- -- «expr:Dbg» (to ".expr:Dbg") -- Support for debugging (verbose subexpressions) Expr.__index.Dbg = function (e1) return Expr {[0]="Dg", e1} end Expr.__index.DbgEval = function (expr) local result = expr:eval() print(contextstring()..tostring(expr).." --> "..tostring(result)) return result end contextstring = function () local sk = sorted(keys(context)) local f = function (name) return name.."="..tostring(context[name]) end return "["..mapconcat(f, sk, " ").."] " end -- ____ _ _ -- / ___|___ _ __ | |_ _____ _| |_ -- | | / _ \| '_ \| __/ _ \ \/ / __| -- | |__| (_) | | | | || __/> <| |_ -- \____\___/|_| |_|\__\___/_/\_\\__| -- -- «Context» (to ".Context") -- Contexts are used for variables and for substitutions. Context = Class { type = "Context", __index = { push = function (ctxt, name, expr) local pair = {name, ctxt[name]} table.insert(ctxt.__stack, pair) ctxt[name] = expr return ctxt end, pop = function (ctxt) local pair = table.remove(ctxt.__stack) or error("Empty __stack") local name, oldvalue = pair[1], pair[2] ctxt[name] = oldvalue return ctxt end, minus = function (ctxt, name) if ctxt[name] == nil then return ctxt end ctxt = copy(ctxt); ctxt[name] = nil; return ctxt end, keys = function (ctxt) return sorted(keys(ctxt:minus("__stack"))) end, tostring = function (ctxt, sep) local ks = ctxt:keys() for i,name in ipairs(ks) do ks[i] = name.."="..tostring(ctxt[name]) end return mapconcat(id, ks, sep or ", ") end, print = function (ctxt) print(ctxt); return ctxt end, vprint = function (ctxt) print(ctxt:tostring"\n"); return ctxt end, }, __tostring = function (ctxt) return ctxt:tostring() end, } newcontext = function (T) T.__stack = {}; return Context(T) end context = newcontext {} defs = newcontext {} -- _ _ _ -- | | __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ __| | __ _ -- | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` | -- | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| | (_| | -- |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__,_| -- -- «def-lambda-app» (to ".def-lambda-app") -- A very simple implementation of definitions and application Def = function (name) return Expr {[0]="De", name} end App = function (e1, e2) return Expr {[0]="Ap", e1, e2} end Lambda = function (var, expr) return Expr {[0]="\\", var, expr} end Expr.__index.eval_other = function (e) local op, e1, e2, e3 = e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3] if op == "De" then return defs[e1]:eval() elseif op == "\\" then return e elseif op == "Ap" then return _app(e1:eval(), e2:eval()) elseif op == "Su" then return _evalcompr(e) elseif op == "So" then return _evalcompr(e) else print(tolisp(e)); error("Bad expr") end end _app = function (f, a) if otype(f) ~= "Expr" then error("f must be an expr") end if otype(a) ~= "Expr" then error("a must be an expr") end if f[1][0] ~= "v" then error("x must ber a var") end local f0, fvarname, fexpr = f[0], f[1][1], f[2] if f0 ~= "\\" then error("f must be a lambda form") end context:push(fvarname, a) local result = fexpr:eval() context:pop() return result end -- ____ _ _ -- / ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ _ __ ___| |__ ___ _ __ ___(_) ___ _ __ -- | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \ -- | |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | | | __/ | | | __/ | | \__ \ | (_) | | | | -- \____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_| \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_| -- |_| -- «comprehension» (to ".comprehension") -- (find-dn5 "gab-tests.lua" "comprehension-1") -- Inspired by: -- (find-es "haskell" "comprehension") -- http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/goodies.html#tut-list-comps -- http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/exps.html#list-comprehensions -- http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/List_comprehension -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_comprehension Subset = function (...) return Expr {[0]="Su", ...} end Setof = function (...) return Expr {[0]="So", ...} end Gen = function (var, set) return Expr {[0]="<-", var, set} end _evalcompr_ = function (es, collect, i) local e, op, e1, e2 = es[i], es[i][0], es[i][1], es[i][2] if i == #es then collect(e:eval()); return end if op == "<-" then -- generator if e1[0] ~= "v" then error("Not a var") end local varname = e1[1] local set = e2:seval() for _,value in ipairs(set) do context:push(varname, value) _evalcompr_(es, collect, i+1) context:pop() end else -- filter if not e:beval() then return end -- on F: abort _evalcompr_(es, collect, i+1) -- on T: continue end end _evalcompr = function (e) local results = Set() local collect = function (e) table.insert(results, e) end _evalcompr_(e, collect, 1) return results end -- _ _ -- __ _ _ __(_) __| |___ -- / _` | '__| |/ _` / __| -- | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \ -- \__, |_| |_|\__,_|___/ -- |___/ -- -- «grids» (to ".grids") -- Some functions to create tables. -- Too many things are hardcoded at the moment. -- withdef = function (name, def, expr) defs:push(name, def) local result = expr:eval() defs:pop() return result end cell = function (x, y) if y == 1 then return Cols[x] end if x == 1 then return Ps[y-1] end return withdef("P", Lambda("k", Ps[y-1]), Cols[x]) end column = function (x) local C = Rect {w=0} for y=1,#Ps+1 do C:set(y, cell(x, y):infix()) end return C end columns = function (x1, x2) x1 = x1 or 1 x2 = x2 or #Cols local result = column(x1) for x=x1+1,x2 do result = result.." "..column(x) end return result end efold = function (f, a, ...) local result = a for _,b in ipairs {...} do result = f(result, b) end return result end Ors = function (...) return efold(Or, ...) end Ands = function (...) return efold(And, ...) end P = Def "P" P1, P2, P3, P4 = App(P, _1), App(P, _2), App(P, _3), App(P, _4) defs.E_1 = Ors ( P2, P3 ) defs.E_2 = Ors (P1, P2, P3, P4) defs.E_3 = Ands( P2, P3 ) defs.E_4 = Ands(P1, P2, P3, P4) defs["E'_1"] = Or (Ors (P1, P2, P3), Ors (P2, P3, P4)) defs["E'_2"] = And(Ors (P1, P2, P3), Ors (P2, P3, P4)) defs["E'_3"] = Or (Ands(P1, P2, P3), Ands(P2, P3, P4)) defs["E'_4"] = And(Ands(P1, P2, P3), Ands(P2, P3, P4)) P123or = Ors (P1, P2, P3) P123and = Ands(P1, P2, P3) P234or = Ors (P2, P3, P4) P234and = Ands(P2, P3, P4) P123or = Ex(k, Set(_1, _2, _3), App(P, k)) P123and = Fa(k, Set(_1, _2, _3), App(P, k)) P234or = Ex(k, Set(_2, _3, _4), App(P, k)) P234and = Fa(k, Set(_2, _3, _4), App(P, k)) defs["E'_1"] = Or (P123or, P234or) defs["E'_2"] = And(P123or, P234or) defs["E'_3"] = Or (P123and, P234and) defs["E'_4"] = And(P123and, P234and) Cols = { App(P, k), P1, P2, P3, P4, Def("E_1"), Def("E_2"), Def("E_3"), Def("E_4"), } Ps = { Ge( k, _2), Ge( _2*k, _2), Eq( k, _1), Lt( k, _1), Neq( k, _2), Neq( k, _3), And(Neq(k, _2), Neq(k, _3)), Neq( k, _0), } -- _ _ -- ___ | | __| | _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ -- / _ \| |/ _` | | '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__| -- | (_) | | (_| | | |_) | (_| | | \__ \ __/ | -- \___/|_|\__,_| | .__/ \__,_|_| |___/\___|_| -- |_| -- Moved to: -- (find-dn5 "gab-oldparser.lua") -- «old-parser» (to ".old-parser") -- «precedence-table» (to ".precedence-table") -- «precedence» (to ".precedence") -- «recursive-descent» (to ".recursive-descent") -- «parser-grammar» (to ".parser-grammar") -- _ -- | |_ __ ___ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ -- | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__| -- | | |_) | __/ (_| | | |_) | (_| | | \__ \ __/ | -- |_| .__/ \___|\__, | | .__/ \__,_|_| |___/\___|_| -- |_| |___/ |_| -- -- «lpeg-parser» (to ".lpeg-parser") -- A reimplementation in LPEG of the recursive-descent parser if userocks then userocks(); loadlpeg() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") else require "lpeg" -- (find-vldifile "liblua5.1-lpeg2.list") end -- require "lpeg" P = lpeg.P V = lpeg.V Cc = lpeg.Cc Ct = lpeg.Ct Cb = lpeg.Cb Cg = lpeg.Cg local ispattern = function (o) return getmetatable(o) == getmetatable(lpeg.P"") end local set = function (name, o) if ispattern(o) then return o:Cg(name) else return lpeg.Cc(o):Cg(name) end end local get = function (name) return lpeg.Cb(name) end local group = function (cmds) return lpeg.Cg(cmds) end local applys = function (e, T) return T[#T](e, unpack(T, 1, #T-1)) end ops = {} newbinop = function (l, t, r, str) for op in str:gmatch("[^ ]+") do ops[op] = {l=l, t=t, r=r} end end newbinop(10, 11, 12, "->") newbinop(12, 13, 14, "or") newbinop(14, 15, 16, "&") newbinop(18, 17, 18, "== <= >= < > != <-") newbinop(18, 19, 20, "+ -") newbinop(20, 21, 22, "* /") above = function (lop, rop) return lop == "" or ops[lop].r < ops[rop].t end is_binop = function (subj, pos, c) if ops[c] then return true, c end end is_under = function (subj, pos, lop, op) if above(lop, op) then return true, op end end pack_num = function (str) return Num(tonumber(str)) end pack_var = function (str) return Var(str) end pack_bin = function (e1, op, e2) return Expr {[0]=op, e1, e2} end pack_app = function (e1, e2) return App(e1, e2) end pack_tuple = function (L) return #L==1 and L[1] or Tuple(unpack(L)) end pack_qlexpr = function (ql, a, b) -- quantifiers and lambda if ql == "Fa" then return Fa(a, b) end if ql == "Ex" then return Ex(a, b) end if ql == "\\" then return Lambda(a, b) end end -- Sets come in four flavors: -- {e1<-e2 | P, Q} => Subset(e1<-e2, P, Q, e1} -- {e | a<-A, b<-B} => Setof(a<-A, b<-B, e} -- {a, b, c} => Set(a, b, c) -- {} => Set() pack_subset = function (e, L) table.insert(L, e[1]) return Subset(e, unpack(L)) end pack_setof = function (e, L) table.insert(L, e) return Setof(unpack(L)) end pack_set = function (a, b, c) if b == "|" and a[0] == "<-" then return pack_subset(a, c) end if b == "|" and a[0] ~= "<-" then return pack_setof (a, c) end if a == "" or a == nil then return Set() end return Set(a, unpack(b or {})) end sp = lpeg.S" \t\n"^0 sP = function (str) return sp * P(str) end Expr_grammar = { "Expr", -- initial rule name Alpha = lpeg.R"AZ" + lpeg.R"az", Alphanum = lpeg.R"AZ" + lpeg.R"az" + lpeg.R"09" + P"_", Num = sp * (lpeg.R"09"^1):C() / pack_num, Var = sp * (V"Alpha" * V"Alphanum"^0):C() / pack_var, -- Commaexprs = (sP"," * V"Expr")^0, Exprs = V"Expr" * V"Commaexprs", Parenexpr = (sP"(" * V"Exprs" * sP")"):Ct() / pack_tuple, Setexpr = sP"{" * ( sP"}" * Cc"" + V"Expr" * ( sP"}" + V"Commaexprs":Ct() * sP"}" + sp * P"|":C() * V"Exprs":Ct() * sP"}")) / pack_set, -- Ql = sp * (P"Fa" + P"Ex" + P"\\"):C(), Qlexpr = V"Ql" * V"Expr" * sP"." * V"Expr" / pack_qlexpr, -- Binop = sp * ((lpeg.P(2):Cmt(is_binop) + lpeg.P(1):Cmt(is_binop))), Binop_under = (get"lop" * V"Binop"):Cmt(is_under), Binop_setlop = set("lop", V"Binop_under") * get("lop"), -- Expr_wos = V"Parenexpr" + V"Setexpr" + V"Qlexpr" + V"Num" + V"Var", Complement = group(V"Binop_setlop" * V"Expr_under" * Cc(pack_bin)):Ct() + (V"Parenexpr" * Cc(pack_app)):Ct(), Expr_under = (V"Expr_wos" * V"Complement"^0):Cf(applys), Expr = group(set("lop", "") * V"Expr_under"), } Expr_pattern = lpeg.P(Expr_grammar) lpeg.prmatch = function (patt, ...) PP(patt:match(...)) end etest = function (str) local e = Expr_pattern:match(str) print(e) print(e:torect()) end eteste = function (str) local e = Expr_pattern:match(str) print(e) print(e:torect()) print(e:eval()) end -- «pe» (to ".pe") -- pe: parse expression -- pev: parse expression, evaluate, print all -- pep: parse expression and print (do not evaluate) pe = function (str) return Expr_pattern:match(str) end pep = function (str) return pe(str):print():rprint() end pev = function (str) return pe(str):print():rprint():eval():print() end -- __ __ _ _ -- | \/ | ___ __| | __ _| | -- | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` | | -- | | | | (_) | (_| | (_| | | -- |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_| -- -- «modal» (to ".modal") -- (find-angg "LUA/canvas3.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/canvas3.lua" "ZDag-functions") -- It should be easy to make the logic of the calculator more -- flexible... at present it is boolean, two-valued, with the same -- truth values as the underlying Lua. Vee_ = function (s) local a, b, c = s:sub(1,1), s:sub(2,2), s:sub(3,3) return Rect {w=3, a.." "..b, " "..c} end Vee = function (s) return Expr {[0]="Mo", Vee_(s)} end -- (find-angg "LUA/canvas3.lua" "ZDag-functions") -- A "shape" is a string made of digits, newlines, and spaces. -- A "short" is a string made of "0"s and "1"s. -- For example: -- reh_shape = " 1\n" .. -- "2 3\n" .. -- "4" -- and "0101" is a short that represents an open set on Reh -- in a compact form. cton = function (c) return tonumber(c, 36) end intoshape = function (shape, short) local f = function (c) return short:sub(cton(c), cton(c)) end return (shape:gsub("(%w)", f)) end shapetoarrows = function (shape) local lines = splitlines(shape) local arrows = {} local registerbpm = function (v1, v2) if v1 and v2 then table.insert(arrows, {v1, v2}) end end for y=1,#lines-1 do for x=1,#lines[y] do local c = cton(lines[y ]:sub(x, x )) local sw = cton(lines[y+1]:sub(x-1, x-1)) local s = cton(lines[y+1]:sub(x, x )) local se = cton(lines[y+1]:sub(x+1, x+1)) registerbpm(c, sw) -- is southwest a black pawn's move? registerbpm(c, s) -- is south a black pawn's move? registerbpm(c, se) -- is southeast a black pawn's move? end end return arrows end shapetocoords = function (shape) local lines = splitlines(shape) local coords = {} for y=1,#lines do for x=1,#lines[y] do local c = cton(lines[y]:sub(x, x)) if c then coords[c] = {x, y} end end end return coords end -- This is just a library. print("Loading: gab.lua") io.stdout:setvbuf("no") -- (find-es "lua5" "setvbuf") -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" -- End: