Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- blogme3.lua - load libraries, process command-line options.
-- This is part of blogme3. 
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>
-- Version: 2019feb15
-- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/blogme3.lua>
-- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/blogme3.lua.html>
-- License: GPL.
-- See: (find-angg "LUA/BlogMe3.lua")

-- «.blogmedir»		(to "blogmedir")
-- «.edrxlib»		(to "edrxlib")
-- «.pathto»		(to "pathto")
-- «.dooptions»		(to "dooptions")

-- «blogmedir» (to ".blogmedir")
-- Similar to: (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua" "package.path")
-- Put the directory where this script is at the
-- front of the list of paths used by "require".
-- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.path")
-- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.cpath")
-- Names: (find-elnode "File Name Components" "file-name-directory")
fnamedirectory    = function (fname) return fname:match"^(.*/)[^/]*$"  end
fnamenondirectory = function (fname) return fname:match     "([^/]*)$" end
blogmedir         = blogmedir or (arg and fnamedirectory(arg[0])) or "./"
package.path      = blogmedir .. "?.lua;" .. package.path
package.cpath     = blogmedir .. "?.so;"  .. package.cpath   -- for lpeg

-- «edrxlib»  (to ".edrxlib")
require "edrxlib"                  -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua")

-- Experimental, 2007jun26
-- autoload("fwnn", function () require "foo" end)
autoload = function (funname, codethatloadsthefunction, soft)
    if soft and _G[funname] then return end    -- don't override
    _G[funname] = function (...)
        _G[funname] = function () error("Autoload failed: "..funname, 2) end
        codethatloadsthefunction()   -- this should override _G[funname]
        return _G[funname](...)

-- Commented out the autoloads: I'm loading "elisp.lua" always
-- autoload("makesexphtml",    function () require "elisp" end)
-- autoload("maketarget",      function () require "elisp" end)
-- autoload("makelocaltarget", function () require "elisp" end)

-- «pathto» (to ".pathto")
pathtoroot = ""
pathto     = function (path) return pathtoroot .. path end
getpathtoroot = function (path)
    local _, nslashes = string.gsub(path, "/", "/")
    return string.rep("../", nslashes)

require "brackets"    -- (find-blogme3 "brackets.lua")
require "definers"    -- (find-blogme3 "definers.lua")
require "charset"     -- (find-blogme3 "charset.lua")
require "anggdefs"    -- (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua")
require "youtube"     -- (find-blogme3 "youtube.lua")
require "elisp"       -- (find-blogme3 "elisp.lua")
require "options"     -- (find-blogme3 "options.lua")
-- require "angglisp" -- (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua")
loada2html = function ()
  require "escripts"  -- (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua")

-- Should I factor the block above? "escripts.lua" is optional...
-- doblogmefile = function (fname) dofile(blogmedir .. fname) end

-- (find-blogme3 "notes.e.lua" "defs-tests")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-select")
-- (find-angg "TH/Files.tcl" "blogme")

--------[ Compatibility hacks ]--------

-- myinclude = function (fname, verbose)
--     if verbose then print("  Including: "..fname) end
--     doblogme(readfile(ee_expand(fname)))
--   end
-- def_ [[ INCLUDE 1 fname   myinclude(fname, nil)  ]]

smash = nilify
def [[ EXPNODE 2 nodename,text
       HREF("info:expect:"..nodename, nilify(text) or nodename) ]]
def [[ LUANODE 2 nodename,text
       HREF("info:lua:"..nodename, nilify(text) or nodename) ]]
def [[ LIBCNODE 2 nodename,text
       HREF("info:libc:"..nodename, nilify(text) or nodename) ]]
nonvoids = filter
def [[ IFL 0 _ "" ]]

-- «dooptions»  (to ".dooptions")
-- PP(arg)
dooptions(unpack(arg or {}))

# (find-orgfile "index.org" "convert-to-blogme3")
# (find-blogme3file "notes.e.lua")

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)

arg={ [0] = ee_expand "~/blogme3/blogme3.lua" }


-- Local Variables:
-- coding: raw-text-unix
-- End: