Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- -*- coding: raw-text -*- -- rumimake.lua (experimental) - this is part of an attempt to use -- blogme3 to generate the htmls for several sites containing -- e-scripts, each of them being able to refer to the other ones. -- -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2007may01 -- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/rumimake.lua> -- <http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/rumimake.lua.html> -- License: GPL. -- See: (find-blogme3 "makefile.lua") -- (find-blogme3 "blogme3.lua") -- (find-angg "RUMI/") require "makefile" -- (find-blogme3 "makefile.lua") blogmestems = split [[ index blog rubyblog ]] asciifiles = split [[ RUMI/baktodo.e RUMI/notes.e RUMI/ruby.e TH/blog.blogme ]] orgfiles = split [[ ORG/index.org ]] indexlessdirs = split [[ ORG/ RUMI/ TH/ ]] script = expandguillemets [[ # Generated by: (find-blogme3file "rumimake.lua") # Run with: (find-sh "lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -e 'require\"rumimake\"'") # Upload with: (find-rumi "RUMI/notes.e" "pagina-no-prv") #* cd ~/RUMI/L/ «blogmestems |cp -av ~/RUMI/_.blogme RUMI/_.blogme && touch -c RUMI/_.blogme »«asciifiles |cp -av ~/_ _ && touch -c _ »«orgfiles |cp -av ~/_ _ && touch -c _ »«blogmestems|lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/_.blogme.html -a2html RUMI/_.blogme »«blogmestems|lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o _.html -rumi -i RUMI/_.blogme »«asciifiles |lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o _.html -rumi -a2html _ »«orgfiles |lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o _.html -rumi -org2html _ »«indexlessdirs|rm -f _index.html; lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o _index.html -ls _ » tar -cvzf /tmp/prvpage.tgz \ «asciifiles |_ » \ «orgfiles |_ » \ «blogmestems|RUMI/_.blogme » \ «blogmestems|RUMI/_.blogme.html » \ «blogmestems|_.html » \ «asciifiles |_.html » \ «orgfiles |_.html » \ «indexlessdirs|_index.html » ls -l /tmp/prvpage.tgz #* ]] print(script) -- file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/ -- file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/ORG/index.org.html -- (find-angg "RUMI/") -- (find-sh "cd ~/RUMI/; lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -e 'require\"rumimake\"'") -- (find-sh "cd ~/RUMI/; lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -e 'require\"rumimake\"' | tee rumimake.sh") -- (find-fline "~/RUMI/rumimake.sh") -- (find-node "(zsh)Shell Builtin Commands" "\nset ") -- (find-node "(zsh)Description of Options" "\nERR_EXIT ") -- (find-sh "set -ve; . ~/RUMI/rumimake.sh") --[[ * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/RUMI/ lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -e 'require"rumimake"' * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/RUMI/L/ cp -av ~/RUMI/index.blogme RUMI/index.blogme && touch -c RUMI/index.blogme cp -av ~/RUMI/blog.blogme RUMI/blog.blogme && touch -c RUMI/blog.blogme cp -av ~/RUMI/baktodo.e RUMI/baktodo.e && touch -c RUMI/baktodo.e cp -av ~/RUMI/notes.e RUMI/notes.e && touch -c RUMI/notes.e cp -av ~/RUMI/ruby.e RUMI/ruby.e && touch -c RUMI/ruby.e cp -av ~/TH/blog.blogme TH/blog.blogme && touch -c TH/blog.blogme cp -av ~/ORG/index.org ORG/index.org && touch -c ORG/index.org lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/index.blogme.html -a2html RUMI/index.blogme lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/blog.blogme.html -a2html RUMI/blog.blogme lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o index.html -i RUMI/index.blogme lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o blog.html -i RUMI/blog.blogme lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/baktodo.e.html -a2html RUMI/baktodo.e lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/notes.e.html -a2html RUMI/notes.e lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o RUMI/ruby.e.html -a2html RUMI/ruby.e lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o TH/blog.blogme.html -a2html TH/blog.blogme lua51 ~/blogme3/blogme3.lua -o ORG/index.org.html -org2html ORG/index.org # file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/ # file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/index.html # file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/blog.html # file:///home/edrx/RUMI/L/RUMI/ --]]