Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This is the file `Makefile' of dednat4.
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>
# Version: 2012mar14
# Public Domain.
# See:
#   http://angg.twu.net/dednat4.html
#   http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/Makefile
#   http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/Makefile.html
# Tested on Debian GNU/Linux and on MacOSX.
# For W$ instructions, see: (find-dn4 "README.windows")
# To make the single-file scripts:
#   (to "dednat41")
#   (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make S=$S scripts")
# (find-dn4 "Makefile")
# (find-dn4ex "eedemo1.tex")
# (find-es "dednat" "dednat4-test")

# (find-angg "vtutil/")
# (find-angg "vtutil/vtutil.lua" "e_scripts")
# (find-blogme3file "Makefile")

# «.help»		(to "help")
# «.lua»		(to "lua")
# «.lpeg»		(to "lpeg")
# «.bitlib»		(to "bitlib")
# «.dednat41»		(to "dednat41")
# «.dednat4»		(to "dednat4")
# «.texdownloads»	(to "texdownloads")
# «.demos»		(to "demos")
# «.demo1»		(to "demo1")
# «.demo2»		(to "demo2")
# «.tarball»		(to "tarball")
# «.tmpdir»		(to "tmpdir")

# -------------------
# External programs.
# Note that we always call wget with "$(wget) $(URL)"...
wget = wget
# unzipat is called as:
#   "$(unzipat) outputdir/ pathto/diagxy.zip diaxgy.tex".
unzipat = unzip -o -d

# -------------------
# «help»  (to ".help")
# (find-dn4sh "make")
default: help
	@echo "Usage:"
	@echo "  make demo1    - builds everything and LaTeXes a demo file"
	@echo "  make dednat4  - builds ./lua51 and the standalone-ish script"
	@echo "  make ./lua51  - downloads the lua source and builds it"
	@echo "Notes:"
	@echo "  On some platforms lua51 needs libreadline-dev to build."
	@echo "  The makefile calls \"unzip\" to extract a file from diagxy.zip."
	@echo "  On MacOSX, add a \"LUAOS=macosx\" parameter:" 
	@echo "    make LUAOS=macosx demo1"
	@echo "  I add the parameter \"S=$$HOME/snarf\" to make the downloads"
	@echo "    be put in my standard \"snarf directory\", but you probably"
	@echo "    don't have something like that - it's an eev-ism."
	@echo "    By default all downloads (the source for lua-5.1.4, and four"
	@echo "    TeX packages) are put in ./snarf/ftp/ and ./snarf/http/."
	@echo "  The demos need latex, xypic, and stmaryrd.sty."

# -------------------
# «lua»  (to ".lua")
# Downloading and building Lua 5.1.
# (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make luadownload")
# (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make    cleanbuild")
# (eev     "cd ~/dednat4/; make      luabuild")
# (eev     "cd ~/dednat4/; make S=$S luabuild")

S         = snarf
USRC      = usrc

LUAURL    =    http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz
LUATGZ    = $(S)/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz
LUATGZDIR = $(S)/http/www.lua.org/ftp/
LUASRC    = $(PWD)/usrc/lua-5.1.4
LUA51_    = $(LUASRC)/bin/lua
LUA51     = ./lua51
LUAOS     = linux

luadownload: $(LUATGZ)
	mkdir -p $(LUATGZDIR)
	cd       $(LUATGZDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(LUAURL)

	rm -Rfv $(LUASRC)/

luabuild: $(LUA51_)
$(LUA51_): $(LUATGZ)
	rm -Rfv $(LUASRC)/
	mkdir -p $(USRC)/
	tar   -C $(USRC)/ -xvzf $(LUATGZ)
	cd $(LUASRC) && make $(LUAOS) local test

# -------------------
# Copying the lua51 binary to the main directory of dednat4.
# (find-node "(make)Conditional Example")
# (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make cleanbinaries")
# (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make LUA=link ./lua51")
# (find-sh "cd ~/dednat4/; make          ./lua51")

	rm -fv $(LUA51)

ifeq ($(ANGG),1)
# A hacks that speed things up at angg, persephone and dekooning:
	cp -v ~/bin/lua51 $(LUA51)   ;# angg hack: reuse a precompiled lua51
   # Normal behavior:
compilebinaries: $(LUA51_)
	cp -v $(LUA51_) $(LUA51)

$(LUA51): compilebinaries

# -------------------
# «lpeg»  (to ".lpeg")
# (find-es "dednat" "lpeg")
# (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.9")
# Dednat4 does not use lpeg, but blogme3 does.
LPEGURL    =    http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.9.tar.gz
LPEGTGZ    = $(S)/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.9.tar.gz
LPEGTGZDIR = $(S)/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/
LPEGSRC    = $(USRC)/lpeg-0.9
LPEGSO_    = $(LPEGSRC)/lpeg.so
LPEGSO     = lpeg.so

lpegdownload: $(LPEGTGZ)
	mkdir -p $(LPEGTGZDIR)
	cd       $(LPEGTGZDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(LPEGURL)

	rm -Rfv $(LPEGSRC)/

$(LPEGSO_): $(LPEGTGZ) $(LUA51_)
	rm -Rfv $(LPEGSRC)/
	mkdir -p $(USRC)/
	tar   -C $(USRC)/ -xvzf $(LPEGTGZ)
	cd $(LPEGSRC) && make LUADIR=$(LUASRC)/src
	cd $(LPEGSRC) && $(LUA51_) test.lua

$(LPEGSO): $(LPEGSO_) $(LUA51)
	cp -v $(LPEGSO_) $(LPEGSO)

lpegbuild: $(LPEGSO)

# -------------------
# «bitlib»  (to ".bitlib")
# (find-es "dednat" "bitlib")
# (find-es "lua5" "bitlib-51")
# Dednat4 does not use bitlib, but vtutil does.
# To do: use luabitop instead. See: (find-es "lua5" "luabitop")
BITLIBURL    =    http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3065/bitlib-25.tar.gz
BITLIBTGZ    = $(S)/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3065/bitlib-25.tar.gz
BITLIBTGZDIR = $(S)/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3065/
BITLIBSRC    = $(USRC)/bitlib-25
BITLIBSO_    = $(BITLIBSRC)/lbitlib.so
BITLIBSO     = lbitlib.so

LIBLUASO_    = $(LUASRC)/src/liblua.so
$(LIBLUASO_): $(LUA51_)
	cd $(LUASRC)/src && ld -o liblua.so -shared $$(ar t liblua.a)

bitlibdownload: $(BITLIBTGZ)
	mkdir -p $(BITLIBTGZDIR)
	cd       $(BITLIBTGZDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(BITLIBURL)

	rm -Rfv $(BITLIBSRC)/

	rm -Rfv $(BITLIBSRC)/
	mkdir -p $(USRC)/
	tar   -C $(USRC)/ -xvzf $(BITLIBTGZ)
	export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LUASRC)/src; cd $(BITLIBSRC) && \
	./configure --with-lua-prefix=$(LUASRC) && \
	gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$(LUASRC)/src -o lbitlib.so lbitlib.c


bitlibbuild: $(BITLIBSO)

# -------------------
# «dednat41»  (to ".dednat41")
# «dednat4»  (to ".dednat4")
# "dednat4" and "dednat41" are both copies of "dednat4.lua", but with
# a different "#!" line at the beginning (pointing to $PWD/lua51), and
# chmodded to 755.
# (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua")
# (find-dn4 "dednat4")
# (find-dn4 "dednames.lua")
# (find-sh0 "cd ~/dednat4/; make cleanscripts")
# (find-sh0 "cd ~/dednat4/; make      scripts")
# (find-sh0 "cd ~/dednat4/; make S=$S scripts")
# (find-sh0 "cd ~/dednat4/; make cleanscripts; make S=$S scripts")
# (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$@")
# (find-node "(make)Errors" "`.DELETE_ON_ERROR'")
# (find-es "lenny" "setting-up-dednat4")
# (find-angg ".emacs" "dn4-block")

	rm -fv dednat4 dednat41 dednames

scripts: dednat4 dednat41 dednames

dednat4 dednat41: $(LUA51) dednat4.lua
	cat dednat4.lua | { echo "#!$(PWD)/lua51"; awk 'NR>1'; } > $@
	chmod 755 $@

dednames: $(LUA51) dednames.lua
	cat dednames.lua | { echo "#!$(PWD)/lua51"; awk 'NR>1'; } > $@
	chmod 755 $@

# -------------------
# «texdownloads»  (to ".texdownloads")
# Extra TeX/LaTeX packages.
# Note: there are links to all these packages for proof trees at
# the "LaTeX for logicians" page, which is at:
#   http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/teaching_staff/Smith/LaTeX/
#   http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/teaching_staff/Smith/LaTeX/nd.html

# Weird: Mike Barr's "diagxy" is not listed there -
# A CTAN-ish link to diagxy:
#   http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/
#   http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagxy.tex
#   http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diaxydoc.pdf
# (find-es "tex" "ptproof")
# (find-es "xypic" "eepitch-dednat4")
# (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "tex_tree_function")
BUSSPROOFSURL  =    http://www.math.ucla.edu/~asl/bussproofs.sty
BUSSPROOFSFILE = $(S)/http/www.math.ucla.edu/~asl/bussproofs.sty
BUSSPROOFSDIR  = $(S)/http/www.math.ucla.edu/~asl/
#PTPROOFSURL    =    http://www.monad.me.uk/proofs/prooftree.sty
#PTPROOFSFILE   = $(S)/http/www.monad.me.uk/proofs/prooftree.sty
#PTPROOFSDIR    = $(S)/http/www.monad.me.uk/proofs/
PTPROOFSURL    =    http://www.paultaylor.eu/proofs/prooftree.sty
PTPROOFSFILE   = $(S)/http/www.paultaylor.eu/proofs/prooftree.sty
PTPROOFSDIR    = $(S)/http/www.paultaylor.eu/proofs/
TATPROOFSURL   =    http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/lkproof/proof.sty
TATPROOFSFILE  = $(S)/http/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/lkproof/proof.sty
TATPROOFSDIR   = $(S)/http/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/lkproof/
# DIAGXYZIPURL   =    ftp://ftp.math.mcgill.ca/pub/barr/diagxy.zip
# DIAGXYZIPFILE  = $(S)/ftp/ftp.math.mcgill.ca/pub/barr/diagxy.zip
# DIAGXYZIPDIR   = $(S)/ftp/ftp.math.mcgill.ca/pub/barr/
DIAGXYZIPURL   =    ftp://ftp.math.mcgill.ca/barr/diagxy.zip
DIAGXYZIPFILE  = $(S)/ftp/ftp.math.mcgill.ca/barr/diagxy.zip
DIAGXYZIPDIR   = $(S)/ftp/ftp.math.mcgill.ca/barr/
DIAGXYTEXURL   =    http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagxy.tex
DIAGXYTEXFILE  = $(S)/http/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagxy.tex
DIAGXYTEXDIR   = $(S)/http/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/

TEXDIR         = $(PWD)/examples

# (find-dn4sh "make S=$S texdownloads")
# (eev "cd ~/dednat4 && make S=/tmp/snarf texdownloads")
# (eev "cd ~/dednat4 && make S=/tmp/snarf TEXDIR=/tmp texfiles")
# (eev "cd ~/dednat4 && make S=/tmp/snarf TEXDIR=/tmp cleantexfiles")

	mkdir -p $(BUSSPROOFSDIR)
	cd       $(BUSSPROOFSDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(BUSSPROOFSURL)
	mkdir -p $(PTPROOFSDIR)
	cd       $(PTPROOFSDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(PTPROOFSURL)
	mkdir -p $(TATPROOFSDIR)
	cd       $(TATPROOFSDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(TATPROOFSURL)
	mkdir -p $(DIAGXYZIPDIR)
	cd       $(DIAGXYZIPDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(DIAGXYZIPURL)
	mkdir -p $(DIAGXYTEXDIR)
	cd       $(DIAGXYTEXDIR) && \
	$(wget)  $(DIAGXYTEXURL)

texdownloads: $(TEXDOWNLOADS)

texfiles:     $(TEXDOWNLOADS)
	$(unzipat) $(TEXDIR) $(DIAGXYZIPFILE) diagxy.tex

# Instead of the unzip line above we could use this:
# but I think that $(DIAGXYZIPURL) points to the upstream
# version, and I am going to report a (small) bug in diagxy
# to its author soon...

	rm -fv $(TEXDIR)/bussproofs.sty
	rm -fv $(TEXDIR)/prooftree.sty
	rm -fv $(TEXDIR)/proof.sty
	rm -fv $(TEXDIR)/diagxy.tex

# To do: create stronger "clean" targets
# (find-node "(make)Complex Makefile" "distclean")
clean: cleanscripts cleantexfiles

# -------------------
# «demos»  (to ".demos")
# Demos
# (find-dn4ex "edrxmain41a.tex")
# (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
# (find-es "dednat" "dednat4-demo1")
# (find-dn4 "demos/")

DN4EXDIR = $(PWD)/examples
DEMODIR  = $(PWD)/demos

# Running ".files.sh" with no arguments shows a help message, and
# running it with "-n" runs it in "just print" mode, as in:
# (find-node "(make)Echoing")
# (find-dn4     ".files.sh")
# (find-dn4sh "./.files.sh -n cpdemos")
# (find-dn4sh "./.files.sh -n rmdemos")
# (find-dn4sh "./.files.sh -n cptexinputs")
# (find-dn4sh "./.files.sh -n rmtexinputs")

demos-prepare: dednat4 texfiles
	mkdir -p $(DEMODIR)
	cd $(DEMODIR) && $(PWD)/.files.sh cpdemos

# «demo1»  (to ".demo1")
demo1: demos-prepare
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v edrxmain41a.tex tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v eedemo1.tex     ee.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && $(PWD)/dednat4 tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && latex tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v tmp.dvi demo1.dvi
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v tmp.dnt demo1.dnt
	ls -l $(DEMODIR)/tmp.dvi $(DEMODIR)/demo1.dvi

# «demo2»  (to ".demo2")
demo2: demos-prepare
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v edrxmain41a.tex tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v eedemo2.tex     ee.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && $(PWD)/dednat4 tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && latex tmp.tex
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v tmp.dvi demo2.dvi
	cd $(DEMODIR) && cp -v tmp.dnt demo2.dnt
	ls -l $(DEMODIR)/tmp.dvi $(DEMODIR)/demo2.dvi

# I use this to upload the outputs to <http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/examples/>:
# (find-dn4sh "make tmpdir && cd /tmp/dn4/ && make ANGG=1 S=$S demos.pdf")
# (find-tmpdn4sh0 "cd demos/ && cp -v demo{1,2}.dnt ~/dednat4/examples/")
# (eev "cd /tmp/dn4/demos/ && Scp demo{1,2}.{dnt,dvi,pdf} [email protected]:slow_html/dednat4/examples/")
# (find-twusfile "dednat4/examples/")
demos.pdf: demo1 demo2
	cd $(DEMODIR) && dvipdf demo1 && dvipdf demo2 && ls -l demo*

# -------------------
# «tarball»  (to ".tarball")
# (find-dn4 ".files.sh")
# (find-eevfile "Makefile" "(TZ=GMT date; date) > VERSION")
# (find-dn4sh "make tarball")
	(TZ=GMT date; date) | tee VERSION
	tar -cvzf dednat4.tgz $$(./.files.sh tarballfiles)

# -------------------
# «tmpdir»  (to ".tmpdir")
# I use this for tests, but it may not work on other machines...
# Note that it rebuilds the tarball.
TMPDIR = /tmp/dn4
tmpdir: tarball
	rm -Rfv $(TMPDIR)
	mkdir $(TMPDIR) && tar -C $(TMPDIR) -xvzf dednat4.tgz
	@echo "# unpacked at: $(TMPDIR)/"

# Quick tests:
# (find-dn4sh "make tmpdir && cd /tmp/dn4/ && make ANGG=1 S=$S demo1")
# (find-dn4sh "make tmpdir && cd /tmp/dn4/ && make ANGG=1 S=$S demo1 demo2")
# (find-dvipage "/tmp/dn4/demos/demo1.dvi")
# (find-dvipage "/tmp/dn4/demos/demo2.dvi")

# Full test (slower, because it including the downloads and building Lua):
# (eev "cd ~/dednat4/ && make tmpdir && cd /tmp/dn4/ && make demo1 demo2")

# Making the tarball and uploading it:
# (find-dn4sh "make")
# (find-dn4sh "make tarball")
# (ee-cp (ee-dn4file "dednat4.tgz") (ee-twusfile "dednat4/dednat4.tgz") 'over)
# (ee-cp (ee-dn4file "dednat4.tgz") (ee-twupfile "dednat4/dednat4.tgz") 'over)

# Local Variables:
# coding: raw-text
# ee-anchor-format: "\n%s:"
# ee-anchor-format: "«%s»"
# End: