Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- -*- coding: raw-text-unix; backup-by-copying: t -*-
-- This file: http://angg.twu.net/LUA/lua50init.lua.html
--            http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/edrxlib.lua.html
--            http://angg.twu.net/blogme3/edrxlib.lua.html
-- On my system ~/LUA/lua50init.lua the two "edrxlib.lua"s
-- are hard linked:
--   (find-sh0 "cp -flv ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/dednat4/edrxlib.lua")
--   (find-sh0 "cp -flv ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/blogme3/edrxlib.lua")
--   (find-sh0 "ls -li  ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/{dednat4,blogme3}/edrxlib.lua")
--   (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/dednat4/edrxlib.lua")
--   (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/dednat4/blogme3.lua")
--   (find-elnode "Rename or Copy" "hard links")
--   (find-elnode "Rename or Copy" "backup-by-copying")
-- This is my "init file" for Lua. As I have LUA_INIT set
-- to "@$HOME/LUA/lua50init.lua", the Lua interpreter loads
-- this on start-up. 
-- See: (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUA_INIT")
--      (find-luamanualw3m "#6" "LUA_INIT" "@filename")
--      (find-man "1 lua50" "LUA_INIT")
--      (find-man "1 lua51" "LUA_INIT")
--      (find-lua51w3m "doc/lua.html" "LUA_INIT")
--      http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/lua.html
--      http://linux.die.net/man/1/lua
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>
-- Version: 2010sep01
-- Public domain.
-- Note: "dednat4.lua" tries to load this at startup, with
-- 'require "edrxlib"', just after setting the path; if this has
-- already been loaded by LUA_INIT, then the 'require "edrxlib"'
-- is a no-op, because of the "package.loaded.edrxlib = ..." at
-- the end of this file - otherwise it is loaded, probably from
-- the "~/dednat4/" dir. See this for the details:
--      (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "edrxlib")
-- Blogme3 does the same trick:
--      (find-blogme3 "blogme3.lua" "edrxlib")
-- This file used to work both on lua-5.0 and lua-5.1 -
-- but now I have stopped using lua-5.0, and I'm trying
-- (slowly!) to make this more readable, remove the
-- cruft, some 5.0-isms, some obsolete loaders, etc.

-- «.escripts»		(to "escripts")
-- «.build-lua»		(to "build-lua")
-- «.compat»		(to "compat")
-- «.string-methods»	(to "string-methods")
-- «.otherfunctions»	(to "otherfunctions")
-- «.printf»		(to "printf")
-- «.pack-and-unpack»	(to "pack-and-unpack")
-- «.0-based»		(to "0-based")
-- «.P»			(to "P")
-- «.PP»		(to "PP")
-- «.PPP»		(to "PPP")
-- «.tests»		(to "tests")
-- «.envsubst»		(to "envsubst")
-- «.readfile»		(to "readfile")
-- «.mytostring»	(to "mytostring")
-- «.mysortedpairs»	(to "mysortedpairs")
-- «.mytostringk2»	(to "mytostringk2")
-- «.split»		(to "split")
-- «.ee_expand»		(to "ee_expand")
-- «.ee_dofile»		(to "ee_dofile")
-- «.ee_loadlib»	(to "ee_loadlib")
-- «.untabify»		(to "untabify")
-- «.load_dednat4»	(to "load_dednat4")
-- «.load_rex»		(to "load_rex")
-- «.load_posix»	(to "load_posix")
-- «.load_PP»		(to "load_PP")
-- «.PPeval»		(to "PPeval")
-- «.loadswigso»	(to "loadswigso")
-- «.loadcinvoke»	(to "loadcinvoke")
-- «.loadlpeg»		(to "loadlpeg")
-- «.loadbitlib»	(to "loadbitlib")
-- «.autoload»		(to "autoload")
-- «.loadtcl»		(to "loadtcl")
-- «.loadldb»		(to "loadldb")
-- «.loadpeek»		(to "loadpeek")
-- «.loadalarm»		(to "loadalarm")
-- «.loadposix»		(to "loadposix")
-- «.getoutput»		(to "getoutput")
-- «.preparef2n»	(to "preparef2n")
-- «.each2»		(to "each2")
-- «.splitlines»	(to "splitlines")
-- «.translatechars»	(to "translatechars")
-- «.sbeconcat»		(to "sbeconcat")
-- «.concatbestrings»	(to "concatbestrings")
-- «.lpeg_togsub»	(to "lpeg_togsub")
-- «.lpeg_gsub»		(to "lpeg_gsub")
-- «.lpeg_gsub_»	(to "lpeg_gsub_")
-- «.lpeg_balanced»	(to "lpeg_balanced")
-- «.over»		(to "over")
-- «.interactor»	(to "interactor")
-- «.mytraceback»	(to "mytraceback")
-- «.errorfb_line»	(to "errorfb_line")
-- «.ee_template»	(to "ee_template")
-- «.ee_into»		(to "ee_into")
-- «.chdir»		(to "chdir")
-- «.package.require»	(to "package.require")

-- «escripts»  (to ".escripts")
-- «build-lua»  (to ".build-lua")
-- (find-es "lua5" "install-5.1.2")

-- «compat»  (to ".compat")
-- On Lua 4.x these functions had the short names on the left; 
-- on Lua-5.0.x a file etc/compat.lua could be used to make the short
-- names work, but on Lua-5.1.x this compat.lua has been dropped...
-- I still like the short names, so:

-- (find-lua51file "src/lstrlib.c" "{\"find\", str_find},")
-- (find-lua50file "etc/compat.lua" "strfind = str.find")
write    = io.write        -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-io.write")
format   = string.format   -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.format")
gsub     = string.gsub     -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.gsub")
strfind  = string.find     -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.find")
strlen   = string.len      -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.len")
strsub   = string.sub      -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.sub")
concat   = table.concat    -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-table.concat")
tinsert  = table.insert    -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-table.insert")
tremove  = table.remove    -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-table.remove")

-- foreachi = table.foreachi -- (find-luamanualw3m "#7.2" "table.foreachi")
getn     = table.getn        -- (find-luamanualw3m "#7.2" "table.getn")

-- «string-methods»  (to ".string-methods")
-- A note about "string methods": if s is a string, then a piece of
-- code like "s:rep(2)" works like "string.rep(s, 2)"; this is a
-- Lua-5.1-ism that is not described in the first edition of PiL - the
-- one that is online, that covers only Lua 5.0. When we do
--   s = "foo"
--   print(s:rep(2))
-- then the "s:rep(2)" is syntax sugar for 's["rep"](s,2)'. At first
-- sight, the table access s["rep"] should fail, but in 5.1 strings
-- have a metatable like this:
--   setmetatable("str", {__index = string})
-- and so instead of failing Lua does something else... the s["rep"]
-- becomes getmetatable(s).__index["rep"], and that is just
-- string["rep"], i.e., string.rep; so, s:rep(2) works like
-- string.rep(s, 2).
-- See:
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.2"   "a.name as syntactic sugar")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.5.8" "v:name(args)" "v.name(v,args)")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.8" "Tables and userdata have individual metatables")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.8" "table[key]" "h = metatable(table).__index")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#5.4" "object-oriented style" "s:byte(i)")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.rep")
-- (find-pilw3m "13.4.1.html" "The __index Metamethod")

-- «otherfunctions»  (to ".otherfunctions")

-- «printf»  (to ".printf")
-- printf = function (...) write(format(unpack(arg))) end
printf = function (...) write(format(...)) end

-- «pack-and-unpack»  (to ".pack-and-unpack")
-- (find-es "lua5" "pack-and-unpack")
-- (find-es "lua5" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-unpack")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#7.1" "pseudo-argument arg")

-- 5.1 only:
-- pack     = function (...) return arg end
-- myunpack = function (arg) return unpack(arg, 1, arg.n) end

-- These definitions should work both on 5.1 and on 5.2:
pack     = table.pack or function (...) return arg end
unpack   = unpack or table.unpack
myunpack = function (arg) return unpack(arg, 1, arg.n) end

-- Examples:
--      PP(pack(nil, 22, nil, 44, nil))        -->  {2=22, 4=44, "n"=5}
--   PP(unpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5}))  -->  <nil> 22
-- PP(myunpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5}))  -->  <nil> 22 <nil> 44 <nil>

-- «0-based»  (to ".0-based")
-- (find-es "lua5" "0-based")
-- 0-based string functions.
-- (To do: remove this! I think I only use 0-based string functions at
-- dednat4 - and now I'm almost getting used to the 1-based
-- conventions...)
-- (find-sh "lua -e \"print(substr0('abcdef', 2, 3)) --> cde\"")
substr0 = function (str, start0, len)
    return string.sub(str, start0 + 1, len and start0 + len)

-- «P»  (to ".P")
-- Like "print", but distinguishing strings from numbers, and using "<>"s.
-- See: (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-type")
-- Examples:
--  print(nil, 22, "33", {}, false, print)
-->  nil   22   33   table: 0x806da60   false   function: 0x806b388
--  P(nil, 22, "33", {}, false, print)
-->  <nil> 22 "33" <table> <boolean> <function>
P = function (...)
    local arg = arg or pack(...)   -- for Lua 5.2
    for i=1,arg.n do
      local v = arg[i]
      if     type(v)=="number" then printf(" %d", v)
      elseif type(v)=="string" then printf(" %q", v)
      else printf(" <%s>", type(v))

-- Note: "table.foreach(t, print)" is often enough for inspecting tables.
-- Ref: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-02/msg00932.html
--      http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-02/msg00944.html

-- «PP»  (to ".PP")
-- My favourite function for inspecting data!
-- This is like "print" too, but it uses "mytostring" to print the
-- contents of tables recursively. The output format is compact,
-- human-friendly, and simple to understand and to implement. Note: on
-- cyclic structures "mytostring" will loop and break; and metatables
-- are ignored (I use them very rarely, btw).
-- Examples:
--  PP(nil, true, false, 22, "22", "a\nb", print, nil)
-->   <nil> <true> <false> 22 "22" "a\
--    b" <function: 0x806b388> <nil>
--  PP({44, 55, nil, 77, [{a=11}]={[22]="b"}, [{}]={}, [{}]={}})
-->    {1=44, 2=55, 4=77, {"a"=11}={22="b"}, {}={}, {}={}}
PP = function (...)
    local arg = arg or pack(...)   -- for Lua 5.2
    for i=1,arg.n do printf(" %s", mytostring(arg[i])) end
    return myunpack(arg)    -- todo: change to "..." (a 5.1-ism)

-- «PPP»  (to ".PPP")
-- Useful for debugging sometimes.
-- I don't use this much.
-- PP(string.rep("ab", 4))
-->              "abababab"
-- PP(string.rep(PPP("rep:")("ab", 4)))
-->                   (rep: "ab" 4)"abababab"
PPP = function (idstr)
    return function (...)
        printf("(%s", idstr)
        for i=1,arg.n do printf(" %s", mytostring(arg[i])) end
        return unpack(arg)

-- «tests»  (to ".tests")
-- P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 4))  --> 4 8 "45" "67"
-- P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 5))  --> <nil>

-- «envsubst»  (to ".envsubst")
-- (find-es "lua5" "envsubst")
setenv_ = {}
setenv = function (varname, value) setenv_[varname] = value end
getenv = function (varname) return setenv_[varname] or os.getenv(varname) end
envsubst = function (str)
     return string.gsub(str, "%$([%a_][%w_]*)", function (e)
         return getenv(e) or ""

-- «readfile»  (to ".readfile")
-- (find-es "lua5" "readfile")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-io.open")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-file:read")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-file:write")
readfile = function (fname)
    local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r"))
    local bigstr = f:read("*a")
    return bigstr
writefile = function (fname, bigstr)
    local f = assert(io.open(fname, "w+"))

-- «mytostring»  (to ".mytostring")
-- mysort, mytostring, and mytostring_arg are used interally by "PP".
-- (find-es "lua5" "mytostring")
-- A possible replacement:
--   (find-angg "LUA/tos.lua")
mysort = function (origtable)
    local tmptable = {}
    for key,val in pairs(origtable) do
      table.insert(tmptable, {key=key, val=val})
    local comp = function (item1, item2)
        local key1, key2 = item1.key, item2.key
        local type1, type2 = type(key1), type(key2)
        if type1==type2 then
          if type1=="number" then return key1 < key2 end
          if type1=="string" then return key1 < key2 end
          return tostring(key1) < tostring(key2)
          return type1<type2
    table.sort(tmptable, comp)
    return tmptable

mytostring_table_orig = function (o, sep)    -- o is a table
    local images = {}
    for _,p in ipairs(mysort(o)) do
      table.insert(images, mytostringk(p.key).."="..mytostring(p.val))
    return "{"..table.concat(images, sep or ", ").."}"
mytostring_table_new = function (o, sep)     -- o is a table
    if getmetatable(o) and getmetatable(o).__tostring then return tostring(o) end
    return mytostring_table_orig(o, sep)
mytostring_table = mytostring_table_new

mytostring = function (o)
    local t = type(o)
    if t=="number" then return tostring(o) end
    if t=="string" then return format("%q", o) end
    if t=="table"  then return mytostring_table(o) end
    return "<"..tostring(o)..">"
mytostringk = mytostring   -- change this to print string keys differently
mytostring_arg = function (arg, sep)
    local images = {}
    for i=1,arg.n do images[i] = mytostring(arg[i]) end
    return table.concat(images, sep or " ")
-- mytostring_arg({n=4, nil, 22, 33, nil})
-->                   "<nil> 22 33 <nil>"

-- «mysortedpairs»  (to ".mysortedpairs")
-- This is useful in iteractive scripts. The name is bad, I know.
-- (find-pilw3m "7.1.html" "simple iterator")
mysortedpairs = function (T)
    local T = mysort(T)
    local i,n = 0,#T
    return function ()
        i = i + 1
        if i <= n then return T[i].key,T[i].val end

-- «mytostringk2»  (to ".mytostringk2")
-- Experimental. Usage:
--   mytostringk = mytostringk2
mytostringk2 = function (o)
    if type(o) == "string" and o:match("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$") then
      return o
      return mytostring(o)

-- «split»  (to ".split")
-- (find-es "lua5" "split")
split = function (str, pat)
    local arr = {}
    string.gsub(str, pat or "([^%s]+)", function (word)
        table.insert(arr, word)
    return arr

-- «ee_expand»  (to ".ee_expand")
-- (find-eev "eev.el" "ee-expand")
ee_expand = function (path)
    path = string.gsub(path, "^~$", "$HOME/", 1)
    path = string.gsub(path, "^~/", "$HOME/", 1)
    path = string.gsub(path, "^%$(%w+)", os.getenv, 1)
    return path

-- «ee_dofile»  (to ".ee_dofile")
-- «ee_loadlib»  (to ".ee_loadlib")
ee_dofile  = function (path) return dofile(ee_expand(path)) end
ee_loadlib = function (libname, funcname)
    return assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand(libname), funcname))()

-- «untabify»  (to ".untabify")
-- Note: to untabify strings in encodings where chars can be more than
-- 1-byte long, change the "strlen" below... (I never had to do that,
-- though).
untabify_table =
  {"        ", "       ", "      ", "     ", "    ", "   ", "  ", " "}
--{"--------", "-------", "------", "-----", "----", "---", "--", "-"}
untabify_strtab = function (strbeforetab)
    return strbeforetab ..
      untabify_table[math.mod(strlen(strbeforetab), 8) + 1]
untabify = function (str)
    return (gsub(str, "([^\t\r\n]*)\t", untabify_strtab))

-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-math.min")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-math.max")
-- PP(math.min("22", "200"))  --> 22
--      PP(min("22", "200"))  --> "200"
min = function (a, b)
    if a < b then return a else return b end
max = function (a, b)
    if a < b then return b else return a end

-- «load_dednat4»  (to ".load_dednat4")
-- (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-dednat4")
-- (find-es    "xypic" "eepitch-dednat4")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "diag-head")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "abbrev-head")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "tree-head" "treeheadcode1")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "processfile")
-- (defun eepitch-dednat4 () (interactive) (eepitch-comint "dednat4" "lua51 -e load_dednat4() -i"))
-- (eepitch-kill)
-- (eepitch-dednat4)
load_dednat4 = function ()
    dednat4dir = dednat4dir or ee_expand("~/dednat4/")
    print("Loading: " .. dednat4dir .. "dednat4.lua")
    dofile(dednat4dir .. "dednat4.lua")
    A  = function (abbrev, expansion) addabbrev(abbrev, expansion) end
    D  = function (linestr) dofs(untabify(linestr)) end
    DX = function (linestr) dxy2Dx(untabify(linestr)) end
    D2 = function (linestr) dxy2D(untabify(linestr)) end

-- «load_rex»  (to ".load_rex")
-- (find-es "lua5" "rexlib")
-- Usage: if not rex then load_rex() end
-- Note (2007): I haven't used this in ages!
-- Lpeg is much better, and nowadays I would try to use "require" here
-- instead of loadlib...
load_rex = function ()
    assert(loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua50/lrexlib.so", "luaopen_rex"))()
      {__call = function (self, p, cf, lo) return self.newPOSIX(p, cf, lo) end})
    function rex.find(s, p, st)   return rex(p):match(s, st) end
    function rex.gsub(s, p, f, n) return rex(p):gmatch(s, f, n) end

-- «load_posix»  (to ".load_posix")
-- This is for lua-5.0, for 5.1 see: (to "loadposix")
-- (find-es "lua5" "load_posix")
-- (find-es "lua5" "posix-install")
load_posix = function ()
    assert(loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua50/lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))()

-- «load_PP»  (to ".load_PP")
-- Load PP.so, that defines a C function called PP for inspecting the stack.
-- Old version, for lua-5.0:
-- -- (find-angg ".lua50/PP.c")
--    load_PP = function ()
--        assert(loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua50/PP.so", "PP_init"))()
--      end
-- New version, for lua-5.1:
load_PP = function ()
    assert(package.loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua51/PP.so", "PP_init"))()
-- 2008dec01: load_PP is not needed for debugging anymore!...
-- The user-defined GDB command `PP' used to call the C function `PP',
-- that was defined in PP.c/PP.so - but I changed the GDB `PP' to make
-- it run directly all the calls to Lua that the C `PP' used to make.
-- See: (find-angg ".lua51/PP.c")
--      (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb")

-- «PPeval»  (to ".PPeval")
-- (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb" "PPeval")
-- (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "first line starts with `=' ?")
PPeval = function (str)
    local e, code = string.match(str, "^(=?=?)(.*)$")
    local eval = function (str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end
    if     e == "==" then    PP(eval("return "..code))
    elseif e == "="  then print(eval("return "..code))
    else   return eval(code)

-- «loadswigso»  (to ".loadswigso")
-- (find-es "swig" "myswiglua")
-- Example: loadswigso("C", "./myparser.so", "parser", "countwords")
loadswigso = function (modulename, fname_so, ...)
    assert(loadlib(fname_so, modulename.."_Init"))()
    local module = _G[modulename]
    for i=1,arg.n do
      _G[arg[i]] = module[arg[i]]  -- export to the table of globals

-- «loadcinvoke»  (to ".loadcinvoke")
-- (find-es "lua5" "cinvoke")
loadcinvoke = function ()
    local oldcpath = package.cpath
    package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/bindings/lua/?.so")
    require "cinvoke_lua"
    package.cpath = oldcpath

-- «loadlpeg»  (to ".loadlpeg")
-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.7")
-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.8.1")
-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.9")
-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg")
loadlpeg = function ()
    local oldcpath = package.cpath
    -- package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.4/?.so")
    -- package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.5/?.so")
    -- package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.7/?.so")..";"..oldcpath
    -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-package.cpath")
    -- (find-sh0 "lua51 -e 'print(package.path)'")
    -- (find-sh0 "lua51 -e 'print(package.cpath)'")
    -- package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/?.so")..";"..oldcpath
    package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/?.so")..";"..oldcpath
    require "lpeg"
    package.cpath = oldcpath
    lpeg.test  = function (pat, str) PP(pat:C():match(str)) end
    lpeg.testt = function (pat, str) PP(pat:Ct():match(str)) end
    lpeg.togsub   = lpeg_togsub     -- (to "lpeg_togsub")
    lpeg.gsub     = lpeg_gsub       -- (to "lpeg_gsub")
    lpeg.gsub_    = lpeg_gsub_      -- (to "lpeg_gsub_")
    lpeg.Balanced = lpeg_balanced   -- (to "lpeg_balanced")

-- «loadbitlib»  (to ".loadbitlib")
-- (find-es "lua5" "bitlib-51")
loadbitlib = function (fname)
    if bit then return "bitlib already loaded" end
    fname = fname or "~/usrc/bitlib-25/lbitlib.so"
    assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand(fname), "luaopen_bit"))()

-- «autoload»  (to ".autoload")
-- Like in elisp. For global functions only.
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-require")
autoload = function (funname, loader)
    _G[funname] = function (...)
        return _G[funname](unpack(arg)) -- todo: change to "..." (a 5.1-ism)

tcl = function (...)   -- <-- this is a kind of autoload
    local filename = ee_expand("~/.lua51/luatclbridge.so")
    local initname = "luaopen_luatclbridge"
    tcl = assert(package.loadlib(filename, initname))()
    return tcl(unpack(arg))             -- todo: change to "..." (a 5.1-ism)

-- «loadtcl»  (to ".loadtcl")
-- (find-es "lua5" "luatclbridge")
-- (find-angg "LUA/luatclbridge.c")
-- loadtcl = function ()
--     local filename = ee_expand("~/LUA/tlbridge.so")
--     local initname = "luaopen_tlbridge"
--     tcl = tcl or assert(package.loadlib(filename, initname))()
--   end
loadtcl = function ()
    -- local filename = ee_expand("~/LUA/luatclbridge.so")
    local filename = ee_expand("~/.lua51/luatclbridge.so")
    local initname = "luaopen_luatclbridge"
    if not tcl then
      tcl, tclfindexecutable = assert(package.loadlib(filename, initname))()
      tclfindexecutable("/home/edrx/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/unix/wish") -- test
loadtk     = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require Tk") end
loadexpect = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require Expect") end
loadsnack  = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require sound") end
-- (find-es "tcl" "snack")
-- (find-anggfile "TCL/piano.tcl")

-- «loadldb»  (to ".loadldb")
-- (find-es "lua5" "ldb-from-tgz")
-- (find-es "lua5" "ldb")
loadldb = function ()
    local oldpath = package.path
    -- package.path = ee_expand("$S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua/?.lua")
    -- package.path = ee_expand("~/LUA/?.lua")
    package.path = ee_expand("~/usrc/ldb/?.lua")
    ldb = require "ldb"
    package.path = oldpath

-- «loadpeek»  (to ".loadpeek")
-- (find-angg "DAVINCI/peek.c")
-- (find-angg "DAVINCI/peek.lua")
loadpeek = function ()
    if not peek then
      assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand("~/DAVINCI/peek.so"), "peek_init"))()
getaddr = function (obj)
    return tonumber(string.match(tostring(obj), " 0x([0-9A-Za-z]+)"), 16)

-- «loadalarm»  (to ".loadalarm")
-- (find-es "lua5" "signal")
loadalarm = function ()
    if not alarm then
      assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand("~/usrc/alarm/lalarm.so"), "luaopen_alarm"))()

-- «loadposix»  (to ".loadposix")
-- New way (active below):  (find-es "lua5" "luaposix")
-- old way (commented out): (find-es "lua5" "posix-lua51")
loadposix = function ()
    if not posix then
      -- assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand("~/usrc/posix/lposix.so"), "luaopen_posix"))()
      ee_loadlib("~/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/posix.so", "luaopen_posix")

-- «getoutput»  (to ".getoutput")
-- (find-es "lua5" "getoutput")
getoutput = function (command)
    local pipe = assert(io.popen(command))
    local output = pipe:read("*a")
    return output

-- «preparef2n»  (to ".preparef2n")
-- (find-es "lua5" "functionnames")
-- preparef2n: create a table with names of functions.
-- Example:
--   f2n = preparef2n()
--   print(f2n(loadstring)) --> "loadstring"
-- This is new (2007mar11), and not very well-tested.
-- Note: there's no support yet for submodules (like "socket.http").
-- I wrote this for my traceback functions...
preparef2n__ = function (fun2name, dictname, dictnamedot, dict)
    for name,value in pairs(dict or _G) do
      if type(value) == "function" then
        if string.match(name, "^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*$") then
          fun2name[value] = dictnamedot..name
          fun2name[value] = string.format("%s[%q]", dictname, name)

preparef2n_ = function (fun2name, dictnames)
    for _,dn in ipairs(split(dictnames)) do
      if dn == "_G"
      then preparef2n__(fun2name, "_G", "",      _G)
      else preparef2n__(fun2name, dn,   dn..".", _G[dn])

preparef2n = function (otherdictnames)
    local f2n = {}
    local standarddicts = " coroutine debug io math os package string table "
    preparef2n_(f2n, standarddicts .. (otherdictnames or "") .. " _G ")
    return f2n

--------[ keys, map, seq, nop, each2, splitlines, chartranslator ]--------

keys = function (tbl)
    local ks = {}
    for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do tinsert(ks,k) end
    return ks

map = function (f, arr, n)
    local brr = {}
    for i=1,(n or #arr) do tinsert(brr, f(arr[i])) end
    return brr

seq = function (a, b, c)
    local arr = {}
    for i=a,b,(c or 1) do tinsert(arr, i) end
    return arr

nop = function () end
id  = function (...) return ... end

-- «each2»  (to ".each2")
-- (find-es "lua5" "each2")
each2 = function (tbl)
    local i = 1
    return function ()
        if i <= getn(tbl) then
          i = i + 2
          return tbl[i - 2], tbl[i - 1]

-- «splitlines»  (to ".splitlines")
splitlines = function (bigstr)
    local arr = split(bigstr, "([^\n]*)\n?")
    return arr

-- «translatechars»  (to ".translatechars")
-- (find-node "(coreutils)Translating")
translatechars = function (str, re, tbl)
    return (gsub(str, re, function (c) return tbl[c] or c end))

-- chartranslator = function (re, tbl)
--     return function (str)
--         return gsub(str, re, function (c) return tbl[c] or c end)
--       end
--   end
-- sgmlify = chartranslator(sgmlify_re, sgmlify_table)

-- «sbeconcat»  (to ".sbeconcat")
-- Concatenate a table with strings and with begin/end pairs
-- Example:
--   sbeconcat("abfoocd"){1, 3, "FOO", 6, 8}   --> "abFOOcd"
-- This is ugly! concatbestrings, below, is much clearer.
sbeconcat = function (subj, f)
    f = f or function (str) return str end
    return function (table1)
        local table2, i, n = {}, 1, table.getn(table1)
        while i <= n do
          local obj = table1[i]
          if type(obj) == "string" then
            tinsert(table2, obj)
            i = i + 1
	    local str = string.sub(subj, obj, table1[i+1] - 1)
            tinsert(table2, f(str))    --< sgmlify?
            i = i + 2
        return table.concat(table2)

-- «concatbestrings»  (to ".concatbestrings")
-- A "table of bestrings" is a table containing pairs of numbers
-- (begin/end pairs) and strings. Example:
--   concatbestrings("abfoocd", nil, {1, 3, "FOO", 6, 8})   --> "abFOOcd"
--         (a table of bestrings) -> \-----------------/
concatbestrings = function (subj, f, bestrings)
    f = f or function (s) return s end
    local table2, i = {}, 1
    while i <= #bestrings do
      local obj = bestrings[i]
      if type(obj) == "string" then
        table.insert(table2, obj)
        i = i + 1
	local str = string.sub(subj, obj, bestrings[i+1] - 1)
        table.insert(table2, f(str))
        i = i + 2
    return table.concat(table2)

curriedconcatbestrings = function (subj, f)
    return function (bestrings)
        return concatbestrings(subj, f, bestrings)

-- «lpeg_togsub»  (to ".lpeg_togsub")
-- «lpeg_gsub»    (to ".lpeg_gsub")
-- A pattern that returns a string can be "Kleene-starred with
-- the least possible filling" to create a pattern that works
-- somewhat like a gsub, but that returns a table of bestrings...
-- Roughly, that would be like converting "(pat)" into
-- "\\(().-()(pat)\\)*().-()", where the "\\(...\\)" is a "shy
-- group" - i.e., its parentheses do not return a capture.
-- Actually this returns a sequence of captures, not a table; use Ct()
-- to pack them in to a table, and then a concatbestrings.
-- The logic: the pattern PosPosWord, below, works like this:
--    -> Pos -----+1--> Pos --> Word -->
--             ^  2
--             |  \---> Anychar ->\
--             |                  |
--             \------------------/
-- where each "Pos" returns a number, and "Word" returns a string.
-- The "1" and the "2" indicate the order in which the branches are
-- tried (at the "+"). The rest of the function shouldn't be hard to
-- understand.
-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-quickref")
lpeg_togsub = function (Word)
    local Pos        = lpeg.Cp()
    local AnyChar    = lpeg.P(1)
    local BeRest     = Pos * AnyChar^0 * Pos
    local PosPosWord = Pos * lpeg.P { Pos * Word + AnyChar * lpeg.V(1) }
    return PosPosWord^0 * BeRest

lpeg_gsub = function (Word, subj, f)
    f = f or function (...) return ... end
    return concatbestrings(subj, f, Word:togsub():Ct():match(subj))

-- Example:
-- loadlpeg()
-- Word        = lpeg.R("AZ")^1 / function (s) return "<"..s..">" end
-- = Word:gsub("abFOOcdBAR", function (s) return "_"..s.."_" end)
--         --> "_ab_<FOO>_cd_<BAR>__"

-- «lpeg_gsub_»  (to ".lpeg_gsub_")
-- An alternative (faster but more complex):
-- With gsub_ we can reuse a prebuilt :togsub():Ct() pattern,
-- without having to build it anew each time.
-- loadlpeg()
-- WordTogsubCt = Word:togsub():Ct()
-- = WordTogsubCt:gsub_("abFOOcdBAR", function (s) return "_"..s.."_" end)
--         --> "_ab_<FOO>_cd_<BAR>__"
lpeg_gsub_ = function (WordTogsubCt, subj, f)
    f = f or function (...) return ... end
    return concatbestrings(subj, f, WordTogsubCt:match(subj)) 

-- «lpeg_balanced»  (to ".lpeg_balanced")
-- (find-angg "LUA/preproc.lua")
lpeg_balanced = function (Open, MidChars, Close)
    local Middle
    Open     = lpeg.P(Open)
    Close    = lpeg.P(Close)
    MidChars = MidChars or (1 - (Open + Close))^1
    Middle   = lpeg.P { (MidChars + Open * lpeg.V(1) * Close)^0 }
    return Open * Middle:C() * Close, Middle

-- «over»  (to ".over")
-- Example:
-- A = {a=22}
-- B = over(A, {b=33})
-- PP(B, A, B.b, B.a)
--   --> {"b"=33} {"a"=22} 33 22
over = function (bottomtable, toptable)
    return setmetatable(toptable or {}, {__index = bottomtable})

-- «interactor»  (to ".interactor")
-- This is very new, incomplete, etc; I'm rewriting it.
-- The new version is at: (find-angg "LUA/reader.lua")
-- (find-es "lua5" "interactor")
-- (find-THLw3m "repl.html")
-- Example:
--   compiled, errmsg = interactor():read(".>"):complete()
-- Some explanations:
--   interactor() returns a table that is "over" interactor_metatable,
--   I:read(".>") reads the first line with prompt ".>",
--   I:complete() tries to run loadstring(I:body()); while that is
--                not a complete Lua chunk, keep reading. When either
--                the input becomes complete or another error besides
--                "incomplete" occurs, return I.compiled and I.errmsg.
-- Notes:
--   On "abort" (i.e., either reading a line with just ".", or getting
--     an eof), I:complete() returns two nils. In all the other cases
--     exactly one of I.compiled, I.errmsg will be non-nil, and
--     assert(I.compiled, I.errmsg)() would do what's expected.
--   I'm planning the treat an abort at the first line specially -
--     meaning "return from the interactor loop".
--   This doesn't do much at this moment - I'm experiment with loops
--     around interactor():read(".>"):complete(), but the code for
--     these experiments is elsewhere...
interactor_metatable = {
  concat = function (self) return table.concat(self, "\n") end,
  body   = function (self) return self:concat() end,  -- overriddable
  prompt = function (self) return ">> " end,          -- overriddable
  abort = function (self) end,                        -- overriddable; message
  load = function (self)
      if self.line then
        self.compiled, self.errmsg = loadstring(self:body())
        self.incomplete = self.errmsg and
          string.find(self.errmsg, ": unexpected symbol near '<eof>'$")
        self.compiled, self.errmsg, self.incomplete = nil, nil, nil
      return self
  read = function (self, prompt)
      io.write(prompt or self:prompt())
      self.line = io.read()
      if self.line == "." then self:abort(); self.line = nil end
      if self.line then table.insert(self, self.line) end
      return self
  complete = function (self)
      while self.line and self.incomplete do self:read(); self:load() end
      return self

interactor = function () return over(interactor_metatable) end

-- «mytraceback»  (to ".mytraceback")
-- (find-es "lua5" "xpcall" "mytraceback =")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-xpcall")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-debug.traceback")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-error")
mytraceback = function (errmsg)
    print(debug.traceback(errmsg, 2))
xxcall = function (f)
    if not xpcall(f, mytraceback) then error() end

-- «errorfb_line»  (to ".errorfb_line")
-- (find-luamanualw3m "#lua_Debug")
-- (find-lua51tag "db_errorfb" "ar.short_src")
-- (find-lua51tag "dblib" "{\"traceback\", db_errorfb},")
-- http://www.lua.org/source/5.1/ldblib.c.html#db_errorfb
-- http://www.lua.org/source/5.1/ldblib.c.html#dblib
errorfb_line = function (ar)
    local s = ""
    local printf = function (...) s = s .. format(...) end
    printf("%s:", ar.short_src)
    if ar.currentline > 0 then
      printf("%d:", ar.currentline) end
    if ar.namewhat ~= "" then
      printf(" in function '%s'", ar.name)
      if ar.what == "main" then
        printf(" in main chunk")
      elseif ar.what == "C" or ar.what == "tail" then
        printf(" ?")
        printf(" in function <%s:%d>", ar.short_src, ar.linedefined)
    return s

-- «ee_template»  (to ".ee_template")
-- (find-eev "eev-insert.el" "ee-template")
-- ee_template({a="<AA>", b="<BB>"}, "foo{a}bar{c}plic")
--   --> "foo<AA>bar{c}plic"
ee_template = function (pairs, templatestr)
    return (string.gsub(templatestr, "{([^{}]+)}", pairs))

-- «ee_into»  (to ".ee_into")
-- ee_into("a b c", "<AA> <BB>")
--   --> {"a"="<AA>", "b"="<BB>"}
ee_into = function (fieldnames, data)
    if type(fieldnames) == "string" then fieldnames = split(fieldnames) end
    if type(data)       == "string" then data       = split(data)       end
    local o = {}
    for i=1,#fieldnames do o[fieldnames[i]] = data[i] end
    return o

-- «chdir»  (to ".chdir")
-- 2008may23
chdir = function (dir) loadposix(); return assert(posix.chdir(ee_expand(dir))) end

-- «package.require»  (to ".package.require")
-- Make package.require consider that this file has been loaded when
-- it was loaded by LUA_INIT=@.../LUA/lua50init.lua (see the comments
-- at the top of this file) so that we can do 'require "lua50init"' or
-- 'require "edrxlib"'...
--   (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-require")
--   (find-lua51file "")
--   (find-lua51file "src/loadlib.c" "static int ll_require ")
package.loaded.lua50init = 
  package.loaded.lua50init or "(loaded by LUA_INIT=@...)"
package.loaded.edrxlib = 
  package.loaded.edrxlib or "(loaded by LUA_INIT=@...)"

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:               raw-text-unix
-- ee-anchor-format:     "«%s»"
-- End: